Loving Diane Lane, watching \'Under the Tuscan Sun\'
文章來源: 長期潛水樂悠悠2007-12-30 17:04:18
The DVD has been in the house for weeks now, for some reason, I just didn't want to sit and watch movies. Today, I was ready. Forgot what caught my eyes at first, maybe watching some commercials on other DVDs, (Those clips always work their charms on me); maybe it was Diane Lane, one of my favorite acctresses.

On the netflix sleeves, it described the movie as such:

In this movie loosely based on Frances Mayes's best-selling memoir of the same tile, Diane Lane stars as Frances, a newly divorced American writer who heads for the Italian region of Tuscany to make limonita out of life's lemons. Having just quit her high-pressre job and ended here heartbreaking marriage, she buys a decrepit-but-charming house in Cortona on impulse, rebuilding it piece by piece -- and herself along with it.

But of course, when I watch movies, it is never just about stories. The story is what supports the characters emotional development, in which I can chanel my venting through tears, laughing, sight seeing and beautiful people. So the story should be good and logic enough to support the characters, but acting is what I like about all performances. This movie satisfied both of my requirments.

Diane Lane probably is not the most beautiful female in Hollywood, but her acting is outstanding. She has well proportioned features, luscious hair and good figure, but more importantly, her facial and body movements translates her emotions directly and fully. I can read the character's mind through her layered yet quickly interchanging expressions, I can almost see other roles through her eyes. Diane drew me in the story, I was Frances, a sensual, smart, brave and beautiful woman (an image I would like to be but can never achieve). The emotions are controlled through all her ups and downs (just the way I like), but clearly expressed to others (also important to me), that makes her a very charming lady in others' eyes. Among her life challeges, lacking love (the general type) is never one of them. Don't we all wish for that? Friends' support, good hearted associates, even some subtle romantic love, that is what got Frances through, and what will get everyone of us through any difficulties.

This film reminds me a lot of 《十字小溪》I watched years ago. The scenery is more colorful and glorious with Italian ocean view, historical buildings and rural seasonal change; the people are more beautiful with Italian passionate expressions and fabulous clothes design. Frances' style changed from a proffesional biz casual, to travel casual, and elevated to Italian designed dresses, color from neutral, to dull, to bright and finally sensual, but elegance is from beginning to the end. The touching part is that Frances never lost her caring and supporting to people around her. Others helped her to pull herself together, but she also helped herself through helping others back. This is a lesson I can review over and over in many good movies: you can never be happy if you are only a giver or taker, it is the balanced life that we enjoy, in which we both give and receive.

I feel I am ready for my dining out tonight, in good mood and feel content!