文章來源: winston_cui2006-09-06 14:15:19

. . to meet the disturbing factors with as much joyousness as if they were bringing pleasure in the material sight, will alter . . . much in the heart and mind of the seeker. For that which is is a result of the thinking of individuals as related one to another.


凱西解讀Edgar Cayce Reading 610-1


In the application of self as towards will's influence: This the factor through which one develops or retards in the earthly experience.

在自我實踐自由意誌的影響時,(自由意誌) 就是自我在地球經曆中提升或倒退的關鍵因素。

凱西解讀Edgar Cayce Reading 97-2


Cultivate the ability to see the ridiculous, and to retain the ability to laugh. For, know--only in those that God hath favored is there the ability to laugh, even when clouds of doubt arise, or when every form of disturbance arises. For, remember, the Master smiled--and laughed, oft--even on the way to Gethsemane.


Edgar Cayce Reading 2984-1