ex husband
文章來源: tianmimi2007-10-27 19:04:12
last Thursday, he told me that he will hire a electrician on Satureday to fix the stuff in the house that we are going to rent out, friday when I asked if he has found the electrician, he said, not yet, then I asked why not, he said he can use the carpenter instead, and the carpenter is belong to him, so whenever he asked, the carpenter can come, on Satureday, he said becuase it is raining, so the carpenter has other work that need to do so no one is in the house to fix anything
 this is only an example on how he lied to me.

anther thing is the insurance, we have two cars together and get the same insrance company. I kept on getting bills, and he kept on telling me he had paid, then I told him why I got billed, should I call, he said he will call, and finally I  was noticed not being able to drive without the insurance.

two weeks ago's friday night, I have arranged one person to come in to see the house at 6:30 that we are going to rent out. at 4:00pm he said he will be there, but the woman called me at 7:00pm, she was in front of the house, no one is there, and I kept on calling him until 12:00am, no one answered my phone call, just disapeared as usuall. the next day he called like nothing happened, when I asked, he said, there is nothing to do with me if he doesn't want to show up, as I was not in the house, it is him and the woman. I don't have right to ask him.

when for visiting his son, same case, as long as he is not happy, he won't be show up even he already make agreement with me to meet. he will say traffic, which may take about 4 hours from brookline to boston during the weekend.

to tell a lie is such a easy thing for him. I think I need to find an aggressive lawyer to deal with him, and let him know i an not that easy to abuse.