文章來源: 偶行偶素2008-06-09 17:41:15


                 My mother is a bird

                              Soaring with the wind

           Letting it take her wherever it goes.

                        Searching for food

                 Not for herself, but for me

                   When she comes home.

                          Working hard

                    To teach us how to fly

               And survive in the vast world

                         Supporting me

                        In everything I do.

               When the harsh storm blows

                          She covers me

                 With her comforting wings

                To keep me warm and safe.

                    When danger comes

                       She protects me

            With her fierce beak and talons.

                   But when the sun rises

                     You can hear my mom

                   Singing melodies to me

               And showing me the joy of life.