文章來源: mikecwu2022-07-11 13:05:20



American Heart Association: How much sodium should I eat per day? | American Heart Association


Healthline.com:Daily Salt Intake: How Much Sodium Should You Have? (healthline.com)


140 g chicken: 115 mg sodium

一個50克雞蛋:62 mg

A cup of milk: 107 mg

3 oz beef: 61 mg

A cup of fresh cooked spinach: 527 mg

61 g carrot: 42 mg

100 g of cooked shrimp: 111 mg

200 g raw atlantic salmon: 117 mg




Mayo Clinic和我的觀念一樣,做菜不加鹽,你會覺得新鮮食品的天然味道比加了鹽更香:Sodium: How to tame your salt habit - Mayo Clinic

Lifespan.org 健康人每天隻需要200-500毫克的鹽:How Much Sodium a Day Do You Need? | Lifespan

Lifescience.com:不用擔心鹽吃得太少,我們隻需要擔心吃得太多:How Much Salt Do You Need to Survive? | Live Science


We Don't Need to Add Salt to Food - HealthyChildren.org

Salt and children - Action on Salt


Once your child is eating the same foods as the rest of the family it is important to continue not adding any salt to their food. This will also benefit the rest of the family! It is at this point that children’s salt intake tends to increase dramatically due to eating higher salt foods.
Homemade meals cooked using fresh ingredients are naturally lower in salt than convenience meals and processed food. Limit foods that are high in salt, and always check nutritional information, even on products aimed at children, and choose those with less salt. A low salt diet throughout childhood will help prevent children developing a taste for salty foods and reduce the likelihood of them eating a diet high in salt during adulthood.