文章來源: 心星2005-03-11 21:14:29

前年的父親節,想起老爸,忍不住寫了篇英文的給老爸的小文,當時妹妹還在北京, 叫她翻譯成中文,算是共同的禮物,老媽說老爸當天晚上寫了很長的一篇日記, 還藏起來不給老媽看...所以直到今天我和妹妹也不曉得老爸到底是怎麽想的,把英文版貼出,今晚很想家....

                               To My Father---From My sister and I



This time of year is the best of seasons. The beginning of summer presents nature’s beauty at zenith. The vibrant greens of the trees and brilliant display of the flowers are sharp and pure, with colors rich and full. The month of June with its festival of colors is the prefect season of Father’s Day.


When we think of ourselves as a child-or all children, really-We would imagine that we are like the pages from the coloring book. When we come into this world, we are so like an uncolored image, two-dimensional and vacant of color. The black outline is easily recognizable- a little boy or girl- but inside those lines it is void of the colors of life. The parents and loved-ones help in “coloring” that little image…to make a mere outline of a child come alive in the world. Through love and compassion, discipline and convictions, faith and commitment, the colors of a young lie as added inside those boundaries, one-by-one and layer upon layer. Every Father’s Day we think of this coloring book image, we are thankful for our father’s colors.


Our father came from a poor peasant family and started on his own in the city. He lived his life trying his utmost best and hard working, he shared that enthusiasm for life with us…and so he painted us with the colors of determination and conviction.


Our father is an honest man, who spoke quietly but truthfully. He did an honest day’s work for a fair wage, as money was never the primary object of his labors…and he painted us with the colors of honor and earnestness.


Our father believes in the “It is the parents’ fault if the Children choose the wrong way of life”. He has tried hard to guide us to the right direction and make the right choice in life even when it was very difficult then for us to accept… and so he painted us with the colors of discipline and responsibility.


Our father is a dreamer even he probably has realized that himself. He dares to imagine what could be of his children and his life. Some of his dreams were realized and some were not; but he dreamt them just the same… and so he painted us with colors of vision and hope.


And on it goes…


Our father touched us with the vast palette of his life- and we are better person because of those colors he gently gave to us.


As with this years Father’s Day celebration, we miss our father very much. He was such a important part of our life. We are where we are now because his vision and his determination that touched us so very long ago. Reminder of our father are everywhere there to see—the blue sky, the green grass and the simply picture taken long time ago. His shared guidance and knowledge are prized possessions. As the years have passed and we have grown older and wiser, the tool pf experience he gave to us is all the more important. We are very fortunate to face each day—confident in the skills that he has taught us.


Thanks Dad… for all the wonderful colors.


Happy Father’s Day!