提上來再問:Fannie Mae 等可以temporarily 買jumbo loan
文章來源: 臥蟲兒2007-09-20 16:40:30
如果現在新申請jumbo loan,也會因為將被收購而降息嗎?

我們都知道,so far, jumbo loan 利率高的原因就是不會被Fannie Mae 等買,沒有保障。 但如果可以被買,是不是利率就會降了呢?

那temporary 又是怎麽回事呢? 是說在某個時限內申請的jumbo loan, 利息有變嗎?

Bernanke also weighed in, saying that if Congress were inclined to make let Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy jumbo loans, it should be done only on a temporary basis. He didn\'t specify how long that should be.