文章來源: JR982007-02-20 20:15:15

浮動利率貸款(ARM: Adjustable Rate Mortgage ):


Assumable Loan.
A loan in which the lender is willing to "transfer" from the previous owner of the home to the new owner, sometimes at the same interest rate, sometimes at a new rate. An assumable loan can make your home more attractive to buyers when you want to sell. Often the new buyer has to qualify for the assumption just as they would for a new loan.

過戶費用(Closing Costs)

A condition put on an offer to buy a home; such as the prospective buyer making an offer contingent on his or her successful sale of a present home.

常規貸款(Conventional Mortgage.)

約金(Earnest Money.)

A procedure in which documents or transfers of cash and property are put in the care of a qualified third party, other than the buyer or seller.

Homeowners Insurance.

Insurance that protects the homeowner from casualty (losses or damage to the home or personal property) and from liability (damages to other people or property). Required by the lender and usually included in the monthly mortgage payment.

Loan Origination Fee.

A fee charged by the lender for evaluating, preparing, and submitting a proposed mortgage loan.


An amount equal to one percent of the principal amount being borrowed. The lender may charge the borrower several points in order to provide the loan.

Property Taxes.

Taxes (based on the assessed value of the home) paid by the homeowner for community services such as schools, public works, and other costs of local government. Paid as a part of the monthly mortgage payment.

Title Insurance.

Protects lenders and homeowners against loss of their interest in property due to legal defects in the title
