Say Goodbye to Morgan
文章來源: 伊妹2007-05-12 21:58:14


  我的性格一直很內向,不是很擅長於社交。到Waterfront都有半年多了,可有很多人的名字我仍然記不住,每次見麵都要很快的掃描一下對方的Name Tag才不至於叫錯人。隻有Morgan是個例外,跟他在一起總是覺得很放鬆也很開心。



It is my pleasure to invite you to a very special retirement party!

Our dear Morgan is officially retiring from active duty here at WFC to pursue all the glories of retirement, lounging wherever he pleases, when he pleases, dining whenever he wants, and stretching his legs when the moment grabs him.

Morgan joined us in January of 2002, fresh out of training school and into the loving arms of his mom, Heike and the rest of us who walked him, watered him and attempted to prevent him from eating as much as possible.

He has been a huge asset to the hotel, special friend to the Queen and top of the pubic relations "go to list".

We wish him well in his retirement phase of life and hope you will join us for a celebration of his time here at WFC on Thursday, May 17th at 4pm in the Terrace.

Woof Woof

