文章來源: 陳默2014-12-24 12:31:18

午休時烤了兩盤杏仁脆片(Almond Tuile)。相信很多同學都會做。我以前去韓國人的店裏買,小小一盒$5.5。在網上找個方子做一下,發現超簡單。不過,我沒有波浪狀的tuile sheet,就這麽平的當餅幹算了。

我用下麵Eddy Van Damme的方子。做了兩次,有點小心得加在原方上作為注解。哈哈,菜鳥居然敢說“心得”了,讚一下自己。

Almond Tuile Recipe
¾ Cup (6 oz) Extra fine granulated sugar - 我減為1/2 杯。要用granulated sugar,口感細膩。
½ Cup (4 oz) Egg whites - 兩個(大的)或三個(小的)雞蛋的蛋白
1 teaspoon (1 tsp) Vanilla extract 
¼ teaspoon (1/4 ) Salt 
5 Tablespoon (1.5 oz) Cake or all purpose flour 
4 Tablespoon (2 oz) Unsalted butter 
1 + ¼ Cup (6 oz) Almonds, sliced and pre-toasted - 杏仁片要買烤過的,如果是生的,就先烤5分鍾。
1 teaspoon (1 tsp) Orange zest - 個人覺得橘子味和杏仁很配,建議不要省略。


1. In a bowl, using a whisk combine sugar, egg whites and vanilla. Add the salt and flour and mix well.
2. Add the melted butter, orange zest and cooled almonds. Set aside.
3. Brush melted butter thoroughly on parchment paper. Let butter solidify.
4. Drop teaspoon amounts on the buttered paper and flatten into a disk using a fork occasionally dipped in butter. Alternatively stencil the batter into 3.5 inch (9 cm) diameter circles on the buttered parchment paper.
5. Bake at 400°F (204°C) until golden brown, about 6-8minutes. (Do not under bake)
6. Upon removal from oven, use a metal spatula to lift the cookies of the tray, and place on a rolling pin to obtain the tuile shape or place upside down in a tuile sheet.

上麵的1 & 2 我稍有變動。我是在一個容器裏化好黃油,冷卻後加糖,鹽,香草精,橘子精,攪拌均勻;再加入蛋清攪拌;然後加麵粉,慢慢“戳”進去而不要攪;最後“折”進杏仁片。我覺得後放麵粉可以先恣意攪拌均勻,不必擔心出麵筋。

第3步我就用室溫的黃油條在烘培紙上塗,和塗蠟筆或膠棒那樣,而不是用melted butter。這樣省事還不messy。



再上一個吃的,大家看熟悉嗎?我當小龍蝦買的,後經網友指正是皮皮蝦。嗯,小龍蝦應該是crawfish or crayfish. 哎,太激動了,太想念“麻小”了。



