一個美國前基督徒的心聲. ZT
文章來源: 2007-04-08 09:53:38


I am here to let everyone know just how hypocritical your
Bloodthirsty and Sexist Messiah is. I have been raised in a
Christian household all my childhood and have been to many Christian
schools and Churches. I have researched the Christian Faith for over
10 Years and know what I am talking about. Christians love to preach
about the Evils of Lucifer and how he is a lier but what of all the
men and women who died because it was God\'s Will?? I have heard many
Churches Preach about how God ALLOWED the Devil to harm people just
to prove how powerful God is. Example: Pharohs heart was hardened BY
GOD because God wanted to show off his powers to his people. After
the second plague there is no doubt in my mind that Pharoh would
have let God\'s people go. It says in the Bible that GOD hardened
pharohs heart because it was God\'s Will. God says that everybody has
free will but took Pharohs free will from him FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!!
Lucifer told God that the only reason why Job was faithfull was
because he was so well off. Because of PRIDE and the fact that GOD
wanted to show the Devil that he was wrong he told the Devil to do
all that Lucifer did to him. Then to top it all off God gives the
message that a mans FAMILY is always easily replaced by giving Job a
new family. As if that makes everything better. What of the part in
the Bible where it says LET YOUR WOMEN BE SILENT IN CHURCH that if
they have any questions that they should ask their husbands at home.
Like God is too good to talk to a woman. There is Biblical
Historical evidence that there were certain books of the Bible that
were perposefully left out because MAN did not want to acknowledge
the fact that God spoke to certain women instead of Men. Need more
proof?? Moses condemns human sacrifice but God demands the
sacrifice of Isaac and accepts that of Jephthah\'s daughter. \'The
leaders of the Protestant Church, with only a few exceptions,
endorsed in general the establishment of the Nazi regime in
Germany... The establishment of the Third Reich represented for
Protestant leaders...the triumph of national religious faith. They
generally welcomed that victory with joy\'.

God sanctions slavery and a man selling his daughter - Exodus 21:2-

God orders people to slaughter their own relatives because they
rejected Moses\' religion; 3000 killed. Moses tells the killers that
God would bless them for doing this by making them ordained for his
service - Exodus 32:27-29.

God demands death for anyone not circumcised - Genesis 17:9-14.

God kills a baby for its father\'s wrongdoing, ignoring the father\'s
pleas - 2 Samuel 12:15-20.

God arranges the Midianite slaughter - Judges 7:2,9,22. (Note:
Numbers 31:1-18 states that God instructed the mass slaughter of
Midianites, and the Lord \'slew every male\', alongwith their rulers
(31:7), and the Midianite women and children and animals were
captured; Moses then demanded all the males, including babies and
the women were to be slaughtered, but the young girls could be \'kept
alive for yourselves\' (31:18). This story records the extermination
of the Midianites, but later on, God again instructs the slaugher of
the Midianites (Judges 6:16), It is the same with the Amalekites -
they are \'ALL destroyed\' in 1 Samuel 15:8, but they are destroyed
yet again in 1 Samuel 27:8-9 and everyone - men and women - are
killed; however, they are killed (- for the 3rd time) in 1 Samuel
30:1,16-17 except for 400 young men. At long last, they are are
finally killed off in 1 Chronicles 4:43 when the \'remnant\' were

Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool
