無題 - 兒子尿床後
文章來源: laoyangdelp2008-02-12 21:28:04



他說:“No more pee in my penis.

“Pee is not stored in your penis. It’s in your bladder.”

“What is bladder, mom?”

“Bladder is a bowl in your tummy.” 可是俺的英語發音不準不是?小子將“bowl” 聽成“ball”了:

“Is the pee stored in the little balls under my penis?”


“Then, what is in there?”

“When you grow up, it stores sperms.”

“What is sperm for?”

“To make babies.”

“I’m a boy. I will not have babies. How can my sperm make babies?”

“Well, you need to pass the sperms to a woman so that she can have babies.”

“How can I pass sperm to a woman? Do I put it in her mouth?”

“No. You put it in her tummy.”

“How can I put it into her tummy?”

“Through vagina…..”

“What’s vagina?”

“Hmmmm….” Very embarrassing pause. It’s getting too complicated and too specific...

“Ask your dad tomorrow. He knows how to do it…..” :-)
