今晚讀書:The Kite Runner
文章來源: laoyangdelp2007-10-17 21:41:38
又一本 sad book. 不過因為是描寫第一代移民,同樣是從動亂、貧窮的國家(阿富汗)來到美國,看起來有一點共鳴。尤其是作者到美國以後就住在矽穀的東灣Fremont。文中提到很多熟悉的地方: Fremont's Afghan society, San Jose's Flea Market, etc. 這一段還專門講到俺們住的山區:

Sometimes, I got behind the wheel of my Ford, rolled down the windows, and drove for hours, from the East Bay to the South Bay, up the Peninsula and back. I drove through the grids of cottonwood-lined streets in our Fremont neighborhood,.... I drove the Torino up the hills of Los Altos, idling past estates with picture windows and silver lions guarding the wrought-iron gates, homes with cherub fountains lining the manicured walkways and no Ford Torinos in the driveways. Homes that made Baba's house in Wazir akbar Khan look like a servant's hut.

這本書也被拍成電影了。前幾天還看到報道,據說因為劇中有小男孩(Haasan) 被強奸的鏡頭,為了保證生活在穆斯林占多數的阿富汗小演員的安全,初映式推遲了兩周。好萊塢的電影公司給兩個小演員和他們的家庭提供了到美國暫避風頭的許諾。
