【一個淒美, 千古不變的愛情故事】
文章來源: 作舟詩集2006-05-05 21:37:38

一個淒美, 千古不變的愛情故事

唐朝有個李節度, 不大不小的官, 還有三房四室 (就是公開在家養二奶,

三奶)。被他寵幸的是個無名 女子, 我們隻知她是節度姬

渴望愛情, 自由, 不甘被 一個臭老頭兒擁有, 她就在  個元旦之夜將一首親手寫的詩裹在紅絲手帕中, 丟 路旁。並約得之者來年此夕會於相藍後門 這個特 殊的定情物被幸運的幹部子弟張生撿到。小夥子耐心等了一年, 如期而往, 二人一見鍾情, 連夜私 , 去了溫暖濕潤的江南。

書紅綃帕 (by 節度姬)



Wrapped fragrance:

My genuine words

But who will recognize

What’s hidden?

My tears

Have turned the silk

Into the color of rose

Carefully I left

The solicitous kerchief:

My heart that you

Will hold close

To yours one day

I am not in need

Of gold and jewelry

But some happy

Moments that will save

Me from loveless


The red silk handkerchief

Speaks better than a glib


And he who knows

My words will know

My heart


Translation & summary by Z. Z.