文章來源: 作舟詩集2004-12-31 21:07:05
Cold autumn rain Chill to the bone Penetrates my lung But the motley colors of autumn Decorate the stone steps Mixing with the fragrance Of potted orchid Cold autumn rain Chill to the bone Penetrates my lung Where to find joy to please the heart? Nothing like the art of brush and ink The paper is so white It almost hurts my eyes Across the writing table Silk spread from side to side Inspiration flooding Onto the white silk Where mountains and rivers Surrender to my brush Some rising Some falling Nature has created all There's nothing I can change On the 7th night of 7th month Dressed in colorful brocade Niu Lang and Zhi Nǚ meet again The heveanly love is made possible Through writing and painting I am only trying to tell a love story 那位好心人幫忙翻譯一下這首詩,大概意思就行,洋人麵前我 文章來源: 翻不出來,慚愧! 於 2004-07-08 13:54:04 秋雨涼 秋雨沁入人肺腸 秋色陸離階砌光 盆盞況有蘭花香 秋雨涼 秋爽沁入人肺腸 如何作達排歡場 筆墨之趣非尋常 大白一浮眼刃芒 烏皮絹素橫批張 奇情四出不可擋 山川物理分投降 或者抑 或者揚 造化任所之 吾亦烏能量 七月七夕巧乞將 天緣為織重錦裳 吾為此畫擬報章 注:影雲翻譯的很好,有兩節原封不動抄下!權為逸情而! 2004-07-08