文章來源: superson2016-02-06 01:50:18



1 In the beginning the empty space received the Word of the creator (God), heaven and earth were then created.

2 When heaven (sky) was with the Word of the creator it became clear.

3 When earth was with the Word of the creator it turned to peace and not to shake again.

4 When godly angels were with the creator they became spiritual.

5 When valleys received blessings from the creator they were filled with living water.

6 When lives were with the creator they grew vividly.

7 When the king walked with the creator his nation got blessed.

8 The truth is that all of these came from blessings and
commands of the creator.

9 If heaven (sky) lost blessings and became unclear it would induce stormy landslides, if earth became agitated it would bring calamity.

10 If godly angels had no spirit they wolud become impotent, if valleys were not filling with living water they would dry out.

11 If lives could not survive they would extinguish, if a king could not prosper his nation he would be overthrown.

12 For humility is the base of diginity, like grounds are the foundation of high mountains.

13 Thus a good king should always be humble by regarding himself secluded, autistic and incapable (i.e., not doing good enough) because he belived that humility was the principle of life.

14 Intentionally seeking high glory and fame will eventually lose them, therefore, as long as we do our best, there is no need to pursue life as bright as jades or as
vulgar as rocks.

1 昔之得一者。


2 天得一以清。


3 地得一以寧。


4 神得一以靈。


5 穀得一以盈。


6 萬物得一以生。


7 侯王得一以為天下貞。


8 其致之也。


9 天無以清,將恐裂;地無以寧,將恐發。


10 神無以靈,將恐歇;穀無以盈,將恐竭。


11 萬物無以生,將恐滅;侯王無以貴高,將恐蹶。


12 故貴以賤為本,高以下為基。


13 是以侯王自謂孤、寡、不,此以賤為本,非乎?


14 故致譽無譽,不欲琭琭如玉,珞珞如石。
