文章來源: 盈_盈2016-09-10 07:32:25

Pecel (印尼語) 或 Pecal (馬來語)是一款淋上花生醬汁的印尼/馬來沙拉,非常美味營養。加上水煮蛋、炸酥的丹貝和豆腐幹,就是一款高蛋白,高纖維的美食了。

Pecel or Pecal in Malaysia is a traditional Javanese food, a type of vegetable salad with peanut gravy, it is very nutritious and ideal for snacks and breakfast.

You can toss in some Tofu,boiled egg and Tempeh to make it high in protein, a good way to incorporate more greens into your diet.

材料:( 3-5 份)
2 根 茄子
8-10 根 豇豆
200 克 蕹菜/空心菜
2-3 隻水煮蛋Hard boiled eggs
2 片 豆腐幹
100 克 的丹貝/Tempeh   Optional
1 杯 滾水

Ingredients:( Serves 3-5)
2 medium size Chinese eggplant/brinjal
8-10 Strands of Long bean/Yardlong bean
200 g Kangkung/Water Spinach/Water Morning Glory
2-3 Hard boiled eggs
2 pieces of Hard Tofu
100 g of Tempeh   Optional
1 Cup hot water

Pecal Powder/花生醬粉: (可做兩次醬料)
500 克 花生
4-5 片 瘋柑葉/Keffir Lime leaves
15 隻 辣椒幹
30 克/4-5 隻 紅蔥頭,切片
5-8 克/2-3 瓣 蒜瓣,切片
1/2 寸 的 蝦醬/Belachan/Shrimp paste
2 大勺  酸子醬 tamarind paste
2 小塊/35克 或 3 大勺 的 椰糖 Palm sugar/Gula Melaka  或 用紅糖代替
適量的鹽 (大約 2/3 小勺)

Pecal Powder: (Makes 2 batches of sauce)
500g Peanuts,roaster
4-5 pcs of Keffir Lime leaves
15 pcs of Dried chillies
30 g/4-5 pcs of shallots, sliced
5-8 g/2-3 cloves of garlics, sliced
1/2-inch square belacan (shrimp paste)
2 tbsp tamarind paste
2 pcs or 3 tbsp of Palm sugar/Gula Melaka  Or substitute with dark brown sugar
Salt to taste (around 2/3 tsp)
1 Cup hot water
Pecal醬粉/Homemade Pecal Powder

1. 把椰糖搗碎,把烤/炒好的花生輾碎。

2. 鍋裏熱上1勺的油,把蒜和紅蔥入鍋炒至紅蔥片變軟。加入辣椒幹,蝦醬/Belachan和瘋柑葉,繼續中小火煸炒至蔥蒜辣椒變酥。冷卻10分鍾。

3. 把冷卻的材料放到食物料理機裏攪拌幾下至材料變粗顆粒。加入椰糖,鹽和酸子/羅望子醬, 再攪拌幾下混勻後加入磨/輾碎的花生,再攪拌幾次混勻。

4. 做好的醬粉裝到密封的罐子裏,一兩個星期內使用。

1. Crush the palm sugar/Gula melaka using a mortar and pestle. You can also crush roasted peanuts in the mortar and pestle.

2. Heat 1 tsp of oil in a small cooking pot/pan, stir fry shallot and garlic until shallots become translucent, add dry chilies, shrimp paste/Belachan and keffir lime leaves, continue frying at medium heat until shallot/garlic become golden brown in color and chilies become crispy. Let it cool for 10 minutes.

3. Place the roasted ingredients in a food processor, give a few pulses until the content are crushed coarsely. Add palm sugar, salt and tamarind paste, blend to incorporate all. Add crushed roasted peanuts and run a few pulses until it is fully incorporated again.

4. Store the powder in airtight container and use within 1-2 weeks.

5. 把豇豆切成2寸左右的長段,茄子切半之後再改刀切成5-6毫米厚。把蔬菜都燙/蒸熟備用。

6. 準備2-3隻水煮蛋,一分為四。 把豆腐和丹貝炸酥切塊,把所有的材料放到一個盤子裏。

7. 取5-6大勺的醬料粉放到一口深碗裏,注入滾水後讓它泡10分鍾,醬汁會逐漸變濃稠。把醬汁淋到蔬菜上,拌勻即可食用。
5. Cut long bean into 2-inch strips, halved and sliced eggplant into 5-6 mm thick. Blanch/steam these vegetables until cooked.

6. Make 2-3 hard boiled eggs, cut into 4 pieces, fry tofu and tempeh, cut into small cubes. Place all ingredients on a plate.

7. Take 5-6 tbsp of Pecel powder and place in a deep bowl, pour in boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Spoon the pecel sauce over the vegetables, mix well and serve.