我女兒的新作業 – 做一本圖畫書(上)
文章來源: 坐家媽媽2008-06-05 07:19:56


她還準備將她的圖畫書做成一本pop-up book(立體書),這兩天,她在加緊研究多種立體的方式呢。

下麵是她寫的故事,一個rhyming story

Monsters, monsters, everywhere !!!

Monsters, monsters, everywhere,

They’re everywhere I look.

They’re hid themselves all around the house,

In every cranny and nook.


Monsters, monsters, everywhere,

They appeared the other night,

Just before I fell asleep.

They gave me quite a fright!


Monsters, monsters, everywhere,

Thep creep me out, those things,

With their bared fangs, deadly claws,

And big scaly tails and wings.


Monsters, monsters, everywhere,

The strangest thing happened, though.

I came upon a moinster

That seemed nice, so I said, “Hello!”


Monsters, monsters, everywhere,

He showed me the other monster guys.

They were actually pretty cool,

What an unexpected surprise!


Monsters, monsters, everywhere,

Forget what I said before,

I love having monters as friends,

And here, there are monsters galore!