看了Model home後定房受騙的同誌們請進
文章來源: willhung2007-04-09 12:45:13
builder一般很狡猾,model home總是比普通的房子裝修要豪華一些,尺寸上可能也稍大一些。等交房或者選裝修的時候,builder才會把實情告訴你,但由於在Contract中並無特別說明,購房者也無從打官司,多數隻能吃啞巴虧。所以在寫購房Contract的時候,一定要加上明確的條文,把自己的房子和樣板房link起來,即使builder要漲點錢,也比事後吃啞巴虧要好。

1. home to be finished with the same amenities as (Model home address, Lot # of your ssubdivision) unless mentioned differently in this contract.
2. Floor plan and size of the home to be the same as (Model home address, Lot # of your ssubdivision) unless mentioned differently in this contract.