金秋十月的VACATION(1)--Bryce Canyon National Park
文章來源: 二狗娘2007-10-20 21:24:05
Bryce Canyon National Park簡介

Shortly after 1900, visitors were coming to see the colorful geologic sights, and the first accommodations were built along the Paunsaugunt Plateau rim above Bryce's Canyon. By 1920 efforts were started to set aside these scenic wonders. In 1923 President Warren G. Harding proclaimed part of the area as Bryce Canyon National Monument under the Powell (now Dixie) National Forest. In 1924 legislation was passed to establish the area as Utah National Park, but provisions of this legislation were not met until 1928. Legislation was passed that year to change the name to the new park to Bryce Canyon National Park.


Water erodes rock mechanically and chemically. Scouring, abrading, and gullying occur when fast moving water scrapes its silt, gravel and rock debris against firmer bedrock. Slow moving or standing water enters minute rock pores and dissolves cements holding the rock together.

下麵是我在BRYCE CANYON NATIONAL PARK照的一部分照片。我們因為每年都去那裏,積累了好多PP,所以這次就沒有照高清晰度的。有不清楚的PP,敬請大家原諒。


下麵幾張是我們住的hotel room, 其木製家具是不是挺有特點的?
