文章來源: 二狗娘2007-09-01 13:24:51

Simply watching a stream of wine cascade into a beautiful glass is a treat to the eye. But visual rewards are just one of the sensory kicks a wineglass offers the person who sips from it. The following glasses I picked are typical ones that they manage to carry us through it all, from informal brunches and lively cocktail parties to seated four-course dinners.

White-Wine Glass: A tulip-shaped stemmed glass is the classic vessel for white wine. I f we had to pick just one as our favorite all-purpose glass, this would be it. The best versions feel steady in the hand when they’re full of liquid and also when they’re empty.

Red-Wine Glass. This glass tends to have a more swelling profile, with a little extra room in the bowl for vapors and aromas to collect. (Supersize wineglasses, however, are overkill.) Setting a red-wine glass together with a white-wine glass helps visually set apart different wine being served at the same meal.

Fortified-Wine Glass. Because dessert wines and fortified wines, such as cherry, port, and Madeira, tend to be richer and more alcoholic, they are best sipped from a slightly smaller glass, proportioned to a smaller pour. The inward taper focuses the intense aromas.

Stemless Glass. A stemless wine goblet, fashionable these days, honors the finest wines with a slightly dressed-down spirit. It performs virtually the same as a stemmed glass, but the wine may warm up as the heat from your hand transfers to the glass.

Champagne Flute. A tall flute is the most festive way to serve sparkling wines. The surface encourages the formation of bubbles, while the shape accentuates their ascent. With bubbly, there is no shortage of vapor being released, so an inward-tapering lip isn’t necessary.

Jelly Jar or Café Glass. The informality of a short, straight-sided lowers expectation marvelously on occasions when wine isn’t the main event. Serving wine in one of these glasses is perfectly appropriate for dining en family and for midday in relaxed (especially outdoor) setting.