鬼故事(送外賣 by tyhongau) All I Ask Of You - Sarah Brightman &
文章來源: TyHongAu2008-10-31 12:08:09


鬼故事(送外賣 by tyhongau)

All I Ask Of You - Sarah Brightman &



這晚星月無光,寒冷的秋風迎麵吹著,四麵靜寂無聲, 隻有風吹落葉,沙沙作響。亞力把車泊好,捧著還熱乎乎紙袋包著的餐,快步走到目的所在。啊!原來是唐人街不遠的華人XX殯儀館。這殯儀館頗有名地,大部份的華人都在此辦喪事。亞力心想:可能晚上剛辦好事,有職員要吃宵夜咯。前門已沒燈,想起單上寫的字,便從後麵一條大巷,向後門走去。後麵有一個大停車場。是給喪眷們泊車用的。亞力按了門鈴。一會兒隻見一個比自己高半個頭的男人,穿著一套白色的西服,打著黑色的領帶,頭上帶著黑色的氈帽,帽子拉得低低的把半邊麵遮住了。他用低沉的聲音說: ”為什麽這樣久?” 亞力連忙回答:”對不起啊,因為找地址!” 偷偷地向他下半臉望望,從微弱光線,隻見到蠟黃色的鼻子和沒見唇的嘴巴。一陣濃烈地煙味,撥麵而來。那人從褲袋掏出六張十元,遞給亞力。說:”全拿去吧!” 亞力一陣歡喜,五十元的餐竟拿到十元的外快,連忙說:”Thanks you, thank you!”立刻飛車回餐館清數結算。

星期六亞力睡到中午,和LP到唐人街 ”飲茶”。埋單時發現有一張華人用來辦喪事用的”陰司紙”假餞。嚇了一跳。手電同時響了起來,是餐館的MM的聲音:”老板發現昨晚你結的單,有五張是陰司紙,叫你立刻來!” 亞力立刻想起咋晚那個蠟黃臉的,告訴LP:我撞鬼了!

(故事全部虛構, 如有雷同,實屬巧合)


No more talk of darkness, Forget these wide-eyed fears. I’m here, nothing can harm you - my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry -your tears. with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you . . . Say you love me every waking moment, turn my head with talk of summertime . . . Say you need me with you,now and always . . . promise me that all you say is true - that’s all I ask of you . . . Let me be your shelter, let me be your light. You’re safe: No-one will find you. your fears are far behind you . . . All I want is freedom, a world with no more night . . . and you always beside me to hold me and to hide me . . . Then say you’ll share with me one love ,one lifetime Iet me lead you

from your solitude . . . Say you need me with you here, beside you . . . anywhere you go, let me go too - Say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime . . . say the word and I will follow you . . . Share each day with me, each night, each morning . . . Say you love me . . . You know I do . . . Love me - that’s all I ask of you . .