文章來源: SINEAD42732008-02-03 06:43:07

一個尼姑的故事  ( The Nun's  Story  by  Audrey Hepburn )

昨天晚上觀看了赫本演得一個尼姑的故事 (1959)
。 當然,這是一個很經典的片子。 也許,是赫本的成名作之一。 


一個富有人家的小姐, 放棄世人所向往的社會地位,一切物資享受,投身 尼姑醃, 為的是? 


然而,在受訓成為一個合格的尼姑護士 的時候, 為了,另外一個尼姑,能有機會,院裏的嬤嬤就要她 忍辱負重, 把機會讓個她人。 還美其名曰, 這是服從上帝的旨意。。。雖說,小女子,想不通, 沒幹。  他們這些嬤嬤們,還是把他的  位子給擠掉了。 

還有,後來,歐洲戰爭。 他們這些尼姑,隻能工作,不能有自己的想法,等等。

這女子, 最終脫下了尼姑裝,回到了,她棄子而去的凡人世界。


這是什麽啊。  這宗教, 這主義,不就是要統治人,控治人嗎? 古今中外,有一例外嗎?

讓位子,讓球 (在中國這樣的故事不少),。。。。。。 在這裏,更有,為了主義, 利益,XXX 就自殺了, 或失蹤了。

還有,這祈禱,認罪,都得卑躬屈膝, 還要,全身,倒在這冷冷的地上。


還有,當她執意要離開時, 沒有一個人對他有任何笑臉。 一個個都是那麽無情。 好像她就是魔鬼。 

聯想到周圍的現實生活, 這些所謂的上帝的兒女,不也是這樣的嗎?

我不禁問自己, 上帝真的是這樣的嗎?  上帝真的是讓你放下所有的一切,馬不停蹄的, 哈拉魯亞的嗎? 



好了, 要去伺候自己了。 伺候完自己,再伺候???



This is the story of Sister Luke, from the time she enters the convent until she chooses to leave the Sisterhood. She comes from a well off family and her father is a prominent surgeon. He cannot quite understanding her calling but he is a loving father and cares for her, regardless of her decision. As a novitiate, she has difficulty swallowing her pride and is an excellent student, particularly in the science of tropical medicine. Having completed her studies, her hopes of going to the Belgian Congo are initially dashed. When she is finally assigned there, she finds that she is working in the European rather than the native hospital. There she meets the brilliant and hardworking Dr. Fortunati who helps her overcome a bout with tuberculosis. Having returned to the motherhouse, she has difficulty accepting the neutrality of her order as the Second World War rages and chooses to leave the Order permanently.

Gabrielle Van Der Mal gave up everything to become a nun. But her faith and her vows are forever being tested: first in the missionary Congo hospital where she assists the brilliant and handsome Dr. Fortunati and then at the mother house in France when World War II has broken out and the nuns are forbidden by the order to take sides.

In 1930, young Gabrielle Van der Mal enters a convent in her native Belgium to become a nun. Almost immediately she has difficulty adjusting to the cloistered life, and its vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. She doubts her own ability, even as she takes her final vows. Gabrielle, now called Sister Luke, excels in her medical studies and dreams of serving in the Belgian Congo. When she is asked by the Reverend Mother to fail her exams on purpose to show humility, she cannot bring herself to do so. However, despite her excellent score she is not sent to the Congo, but to a sanitarium in Brussels.