情人節禮物 (圖)
文章來源: SINEAD42732008-02-10 08:00:23



再下來就是這裏的情人節了。學校讓我們家長給兒子寫封信, 上星期五放在信封裏交到學校了。 可能是星期四在給他們。

下麵是我寫給兒子的信。 沒時間翻譯了。 終而言知, 言而終知,是要告訴他, 他是多麽的與眾不同,他是多麽的可愛。 

不是說嗎,心動不如行動  看看我們的行動吧。這就是兒子情人節的禮物。

兒子兩個小時就一直站著再玩 這個遊戲! 這是站著! 這不得不說,是遊戲機的革命。

Mom and Daddy

Feb. 14, 2008

To a special Boy –   G enerous

                               A ffectionate

                               R egal

                              Y eah!!!

Dear Gary:

It is Valentine’s Day again. Daddy and I just want to tell you, again, how much

We Love You!

Gary, you are a very special boy. You are so much loved by your mommy, daddy, grandpa, grandma, and many aunts, uncles and cousins in China. I am sure that Grandpa and Grandma R  are giving their blessings and love to you from above.

Gary, you are a very generous, loving and kind boy.

You are always ready to help, and ready to share your knowledge with your mommy, daddy and friends. You are ready to tell us anything you acquired in school when you come home. You are trying to teach us how to breathe when we sing! You are always ready to cheer people up by telling the jokes you learned from your reading or from your cartoons.

You are always ready to help when ever some one is in need. That started when you were only 3 years old. From time to time, we are so proud to hear that you gave your pencils, erasers to your friends. You simply said, he did not have one, and he is my friend, I will share my stuff with him.

You are ready to share your toys and your games with your friends as well.

You like to laugh. You like to make jokes. You like to have a good time. Of course, you like chocolates as well. Maybe it is all the chocolates you ate that made you so sweet.

So, on this special day, Mommy and Daddy, just want to let you know once again, you are our sunshine, our only sunshine, you make us happy and we will always love you.

We are very fortunate to have you as our son.

We are very proud to be your mom and dad.

We thank our God, to have a special boy like you, healthy, happy and humorous!

Bravo, Gary!

We love you so much,

