Underneath Your Clothes介紹了一首E歌。
文章來源: 年輕時代2007-01-26 19:18:13


Underneath Your Clothes 在你身上

You're a song 你是一曲
Written by the hands of God 上蒼譜出的情歌。
Don't get me wrong couse 別誤會,
This might sound to you a bit odd 這聽來可能有點荒唐。
But you own the place 但是我對你
Where all my thoughts go hiding 朝思暮想。
And right under your clothes 在你身上,
Is where I find them 寄附著我的希望。

Underneath your clothes 在你身上,
There's an endless story 有無窮無盡的往事;
There's the man I chose 有我無悔的選擇,
There's my territory 有我的歸宿;
And all the things I deserve 有一個好姑娘,
For being such a good girl honey 應得的獎賞。

Because of you 因為你,
I forgot the smart ways to lie 我變得真誠;
Because of you 因為你,
I'm running out of reasons to cry 我不再悲傷。
When the friends are gone 即使曲終人散,
When the party's over 故友離去,
We will still belong to each other 我們依然會相依相傍。

I love you more than 我愛你,
All that's on the planet 勝過世上的一切。
Movin" talkin walkin" breathing 我愛你的一舉一動,一顰一笑,
You know it's true 你深知我的癡情。
Oh baby it's so funny 親愛的,真好笑,
You almost don't believe it 讓你幾乎不能相信。
As every voice is hanging from the silence 但她卻就像寂靜中的聲音,
Lamps are hanging from the ceiling 就像天花板的垂燈,
Like a lady to her good manners 就像淑女與生俱來的優雅,
I'm tied up to this feeling 我對你的感覺就是這樣。