去阿拉斯加 (R2AK) ● 準備
文章來源: 我是幹枯的胡楊^_^2024-07-14 19:46:07

R2AK,也就是 Race to Alaska,是一個由美國 Northwest-Maritime 舉辦的世界範圍的比賽。由於條件所限,大部份參賽者還是以美加兩地的為主。

R2AK 的比賽條規是:任何人與船都可申請參賽,隻有兩點要求,首先就是不能用馬達,其次就是沿途可以接受陌生人的幫助,但不能向親朋好友求助,也不能事先沿途安排資源以利自己到時所需。

R2AK 參賽的申請流程是,每年的十一月開始到來年的四月十五號結束,真正開始比賽是六月的十號左右。申請後由專門業人士評估,評估申請者是否夠格,其目的就是減少參賽者在途中出意外死亡的可能性。

這個比賽是很危險的,尤其是小船單人的參賽者,途中處處充滿不可預測的危險,如果沒有經驗,沒有麵對危險時冷靜的心理與合理的對策,很容易在某處掛了。人們稱那片西部海域為太平洋的墳場,是有充足理由的。難怪每次舉辦者在為參賽者餞行時,總是強調:Please don't die, please don't die"

比賽分兩個階段,第一階段為證明階段,從華盛頓州的 Port Townsend 出發,到加拿大的維多利亞海港,總長四十來英裏。參賽者必須在 36 小時內越過這個風高浪急的海灣,隻有達到這個要求,才能參加第二階段的比賽。

第二階段為正式的比賽階段,就是從維多利亞海港出發,一路北上直達目的地,阿拉斯加的小鎮 Ketchikan。全程七百五十英裏,這七百五十英裏是最合理的不走彎路的途徑,一般每個參賽者的實際路徑,都會起超過這七百五十英裏。北上途中要求經過兩個地方,就是 Seymour Narrow 和 Bella Bella。Seymour Narrow 是一個窄口,漲落潮時,這兒的水流可到達恐怖的每小時十五英裏,我的 Kayak 人力最快速度才三英裏每小時,所以一定要算對時間順流而過,Bella Bella 是一個沿途小鎮。其它的沒什麽要求,怎麽走可隨參賽者隨意發揮。

第二階段的比賽也是有時間限製的,記得似乎開賽十五天後,會有一條船從維多利亞出發,一路北上駛向 Alaska 的終點,號稱清掃船,途中如果被這清掃船追上,那麽這個參賽者就會被踢出參賽隊伍,失去參賽資格。

上麵提到的,為什麽說由於條件所限,大部份參賽者還是以美加兩地的為主? 因為準備參賽的船是個問題,大老遠的運過來,費時費力費錢,比賽完後又要運回去,又得折騰一番。所以國際參賽者,基本上都以小船為主,以方便運輸。

我從兩年前就開始為這個 R2AK 作準備。知識方麵,觀看與閱讀了許多以往參賽者的視頻與文章;體力方麵,堅持每周三次,每次二小時的鍛練;經驗方麵,分幾次從金門大橋出發,用 Kayak 一直去五百英裏外的聖地亞哥;設備方麵,一直添加,如安全裝備,禦寒的衣服,備用電池,幹糧等等,等等。


其實所有的準備中,最重要的準備是心理準備,我幾百次幾千次地想象著如果我碰到這樣那樣的問題,我該如何去麵對,該如何去解決,我會放棄嗎?還是會想盡一切辦法去克服困難,堅持下去。 我幾百次幾千次地想象著,如果那些海難事故中的人是我,我會如何做,那時,我根本就沒有放棄的權利,唯有利用當時一切可利用的東西,克服一切困難,才能存活,既然他們能做到,為什麽我不行?他們那時缺水缺糧,沒有天氣預報,也沒有 GPS,不知目的地在哪,也不知何時會死掉,而我現在有充足的食物與水,有目的地知道自己可到達,有天氣預報與 GPS 以避開風險也不會迷路,還有許多人看著我的行程,知道我在哪裏,危急關頭我還可用 PLB 求救,我憑什麽擔心害怕,我有什麽資格嬌氣嬌情,我有什麽理由不能到達目標?我一定行!我一定會到達目標的!

還有更重要的是,雖然我是單人參賽,但我知道自己並不孤單,以前在加州海灘岸線上看到刻在石頭上的這首詩歌,被它深深吸引,可以說震撼了心靈,無論在多艱難的環境中碰到多少困難,我心裏總會默念:“When the dark night seems endless,Please remember me”

Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me




以下的視頻介紹了 R2AK:










出發前再仔細地檢查了一遍 Kayak,聽 NCKA Mark 的建議,加裝了這根白色的封條,以防漏水:



六月七號,周五中午,開車去到八百英裏外的 Port Townsend 小鎮



周六淩晨到達,在車內小息一會,準備天亮後卸 Kayak,組裝後下水。這次下水,如無意外,要二十多天後在阿拉斯加才能離水上岸,所以要仔細組裝,不能有一點錯誤,否則會留下無盡的隱患,也許一個小錯會前功盡棄,到不了目的地。










組裝好下水後,來到集合處,這就是我的 Kayak, 左邊的箱子裏裝的是電池與衣服,右邊的箱子裏裝的是食物與爐子餐俱,還帶了釣魚用俱,萬一出什麽意外,真需要時也不會餓死。我對人說,我什麽都帶來了了,左邊是床,右邊是廚房。




看人家的船,好大,我的整個 Kayak 還沒有人家一邊的 AMA 的一半大,它的帆撐起來,也是我的十幾倍大,這怎麽比啊,小船小 Kayak 更本沒有贏的可能,難怪有些人說,這好不公平啊!

然我覺得無所謂,這個活動雖說是比賽,其實更像是冒險,自己走自己的路,享受每個瞬間。如果硬要說是比賽,也是自己同自己比賽,看看能否走完全程,能否比自己預想的到達時間更早到目的地。每年都有許多人在半途由於各種原因退出比賽。而對 Kayak 來說,就是在主辦方規定的時間內走完全程,就已經非常不容易了,已是一個非常大的成就了。

我以前也想過為什麽主辦方不根據船的大小與性能,在前麵乘以一個係數?如小船或 Kayak 在實際完成的天數前乘以一個 0.25 或者0.3,這樣二十天的就變成了五天或六天,同大船有的一拚了,世界上許多比賽就是這樣設定的,現在大數據,AI 這麽流行,做個 Model,執行起來應該不難,但我想也許主辦方不想麻煩,所以去繁就簡了。






這是單體帆船,在船中不算大,但比起我的 Kayak 來,已是巨物了






第二天周日一早五點出發,周日的天氣似乎非常不好,風速從 Gust 的 20 到 45 英裏每小時,這樣的天氣對小船與 Kayak 來說很危險,但後天周一的天氣似乎好些。我準備用二天時間來橫渡這個海灣。



以前曾有 R2AK 的小船在這片海灣中被風浪打翻過,要海岸衛隊來救,我特地開車去看了看這片海域,現在還好,但這兒的天氣不可預測,預報不能全信,隻能作為個參考,從風平浪靜到狂風巨浪也就是幾分鍾的事,否則也不會被人叫做 ”太平洋的墳場“ 了

如果我沒聽錯的話,那個參加 R2AK 的加拿大海軍告訴我,這兒也許會發生的最壞的實際天氣,要預報的風速乘以 3 到 4。當時我似乎不太信,但之後碰到過一次,差點回不來,之後覺得他說的非常對!



以下是 R2AK 的官網:R2AK.COM
要想看更多視頻,隻要在油管上搜 R2AK,會有非常多的信息



Hometown: USA, Singapore, & China
Race vessel: Hobie Tandem Island Kayak
LOA: 18′ 6″
Human propulsion: Pedal
Connect: website

Solo racer Xia Huang is the latest person to decide that R2AK-ing in a Hobie Tandem Island is a brilliant idea. We think it’s the nautical equivalent of entering the Iditarod with a chihuahua. But if anybody can mush the TI to glory, it might be this guy


Can you share the story behind why you chose to join the R2AK?

In 2022, after I posted an article on a website about the Golden Gate Bridge to Farallon Island by my TI Kayak and Solo, one person from the forum introduced R2AK to me, encouraging me to join this R2AK event. But I didn’t think I was ready. So in 2023, I used my TI from Golden Gate Bridge to San Diego to prove I am ready for R2AK. In 2024, I applied to join R2AK and was accepted. 

And, I just like R2AK. It’s doable by kayak, not like from the US mainland to Hawaii, which is impossible for a kayak. 

Why did you decide to use a Hobie Tandem Island for the race, and how do you think it will handle the challenges ahead?

I have an AI (Adventure Island) and a TI (Tandem Island). The TI has more space than the AI, so I chose the TI for a long-distance trip. The TI also has a sail on it, and I can put it on top of my car easily, so it is easy to transport. I feel like everything is under my control at a reasonable cost. I like this controllable and freedom feeling.

TI has a shortage compared with real sailboats. It is light, and cannot handle big swells and strong wind, but most of the time the R2AK is inside channels. So I can handle kind of bad weather, also I will use current and wind in my favor. When the current or wind helps me, even at midnight, I will keep moving my TI to my destination. 

Can you walk us through your preparation process over the past few months? What have been the key steps and milestones?

Actually, a lot of stuff. I already got ready one year ago when I traveled from Golden Gate Bridge to San Diego, like a dry suit, safety stuff like a radio, PLB, and life jacket. The biggest concern for me is the cold and wet weather. I used to live in warm or hot areas, like San Jose and Singapore. I hate cold, so in the last few months I bought some clothes to prepare for the cold weather

The key step for me is to prepare some stuff to let me sleep on TI. No need to land, so I can save time and to avoid the bear risk.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge during the race, and how are you preparing to overcome it?

Based on my estimate in advance, the biggest challenge during the race will be the cold. The second is the wind—the wind flow direction is almost 80% against me. Third is that there is no cell phone signal in some areas, and I cannot get the weather forecast information.

How to handle the cold? I will prepare more clothes. How to handle the wind against me? Use zig-zag technique. How to handle the no-signal area? Write down the weather forecast before entering the no-signal area

Do you have any funny or interesting stories from your training that you’d like to share?

I’ll share one exciting story about when I reached San Diego from Santa Catalina Island. I had never been to San Diego before—where will I land my TI? I used Google Maps to find a ramp, but Google Maps never said it was a military base. When I traveled to that ramp, there also was no sign that said it was a military base. After I landed, I dismantled my TI and moved every part to the road, then called Uber but Uber never came. I called Uber a couple of times and waited there for 2 hours, but still no car came. I felt it was strange and unusual, so I found a street cleaner and asked her whether she knew the reason why the Uber never came. She told me this was a military base, and no Uber would come here. She drove me to the office, and lots of things happened consequently, but long story short, after the military police management discussed, they gave me two choices. One: Report my case to court, which will be very troublesome to me. Two: Leaving from where I am landed, and they will give me some information on where I can land legally. I chose the second choice.  

What part of the race are you most excited about, and why?

Traveling on the water in the natural area where I have never been before. This is very exciting. Sometimes I feel my soul is thirsty and sleeping. Only in that wild natural area where I have never been before with certain risks which I can handle, my soul will be filled and my heart will wake up and I will feel like I am really living…….

How do you keep yourself motivated during the toughest training days, and what keeps you going?

My dream is on the horizon, the place where the sun sets, where it’s mysterious and eternal. It’s calling me, echoing in the deep of my soul. I will never stop, never tire of finding them.

Can you describe the most beautiful place you’ve seen while training in California, and what made it stand out to you?

The sunset when I came back to the harbor in Half Moon Bay. That time there was no wind with a small and slow swell. The half sea surface was colored by the blood-red sunset glow, and seabirds were flying above the sea surface. I felt so peaceful, so beautiful, and I felt time stop. My soul merged into that space, something touched the bottom of my heart, and I almost cried silently. 

What’s your favorite snack to keep your energy up during long training sessions?

Beef jerky, black chocolate, and I also fish and eat the meat. 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to do the R2AK solo? How should they prepare both mentally and physically?

My advice is, if you like, just follow your heart and apply R2AK. I always tell people: Life is short, listen to your soul calling, follow your heart, set a goal, prepare for it, and then just do it. 

Preparation is important, it includes equipment, mental, and physical. For equipment, we don’t need to say. For mental, the adventure mental, can be innate, but it also can be postnatal training—like watching or reading more adventure movies, books, building your interest, only you like it, you will enjoy it, and practice it with happiness. For physical, I think there is no need to say as well—gym, and running are all good. 

Last but not least, I like to watch and read nature adventure movies and books, like “Into the Wild,” “Perfect Storm,” “True Spirit,” and “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea.” I imagine someday I will have similar experiences, but I am still going to be alive. 

For this R2AK 2024 with a kayak, I won’t be the champion. My purpose is to challenge myself and enjoy every moment on the way to my destination. Sometimes I think I don’t want to prepare too well, I just want to make sure I can make it successful and still be alive—that is enough. If I prepare too well, then no challenge, no risk, no uncertainty, and no fun. It’s just like finishing a job, to finish a routine work. R2AK is a kind of exercise in the gym, in the swimming pool. Let’s keep certain risks, some controllable uncertain, that will make this R2AK unique and a whole life memory for me.

And, I also want to feel our ancestors’ life in the old times with R2AK. In that time there was no motor. There was no weather forecast. How did they face the wild natural world? How did they travel on the water with small and simple boats? From R2AK, I have the chance to touch their life and their spirit…… Yes, this is another major reason for me to

