文章來源: 情女2006-12-11 23:04:16

那是遲暮時分,日浮天際。 秋氣秋暉溫醇如洗,田野和層林顯發微光。我調檔減速。車駛入憩區。泊車熄火。我急向洗手間走去。裏麵轉出一人。 我們抬頭相視。我見他臉龐,眼睛。他也如是。霎那間,我們心靈如晤。我們腳步各未停留,交錯而過。他臉龐英俊,令人陶醉。眼如綠湖,溫柔明亮,卻不似典型印度人。我如是思維,心卻已空,如飲醐醍。走出洗手間,我重新上路,趕往辛辛那提。在我心底,卻願調轉車頭,去追尋他。因為我猜測他是留學生,而印大就在近處。 我最終沒有。他的臉眸卻晨昏伴我,直到我再度戀愛。但那一刻的心光交流,將伴我一生。激我且生且愛,無懼無悔。




附記  Marikah’s original description: It happened when I was going to the restroom. I was going in and he was coming out. We looked into each each other’s eyes  and I just felt …love. During that brief moment, I know our hearts met and we understood each other. It’s love. He was an Indian, incredibly handsome. But his eyes were green, which was unusual for an Indian. I even wanted to turn around and just look for him in Indy after I got on highway. He must be an international student. It just happened.

In fact, Marikah started to date a really nice young man a couple of months later and they seem to be really happy with each other ever since. Marikah was a lesbian before.