【英文小鮮】(15) 西方語言\'性\'事多
文章來源: 山菊花2016-11-15 16:39:57

2:46 餘音口哨曲 - 拔根蘆柴花 來自秋爽齋






在法文西班牙文裏,一般來講,名詞的結尾會指示出該名詞的性,如氣象學中的厄爾尼諾一詞來自西班牙語的(el) niño,el = the, niño = boy, 是"(那個)男孩"的意思。把"男孩"詞尾"-o"換成"-a",我們就有了niña, 即"女孩"一詞 (la niña是另一個氣象學術語)。這種以詞尾來分辨名詞的性別,對記憶來說較為容易。但我們學的英文卻不讓人這麽省心,多數情況下,我們需要記住兩個毫不相幹的詞來表達動物的公母,人類的男女。






男人= man, 女人 = woman;

男孩 = boy, 女孩 = girl; 

丈夫 = husband,妻子 = wife;

爹 = father,娘 = mother; 

叔/伯/舅 = uncle,姑/姨 = aunt.




"和尚" = monk,"尼姑" = nun;

新郎 = bridegroom,新娘 = bride;

寡婦 = widow,鰥夫 = widower;

巫婆 = witch,巫師 = warlock;

老光棍 = bachelor,老處女呢? 




A man was brought to Mercy Hospital, and taken quickly in for coronary surgery. The operation went well and, as the groggy man regained consciousness, he was reassured by a Sister of Mercy (nurse at this church hospital), who was waiting by his bed. 


"Mr. Smith, you're going to be just fine," said the nun, gently patting his hand. "We do need to know, however, how you intend to pay for your stay here. Are you covered by insurance?" 


"No, I'm not," the man whispered hoarsely. 


"Can you pay in cash?" persisted the nun. 


"I'm afraid I cannot, Sister." 


"Well, do you have any close relatives?" the nun essayed. 


"Just my sister in New Mexico," he volunteered. "But she's a humble spinster nun." 


"Oh, I must correct you, Mr. Smith. Nuns are not 'spinsters;' they are married to God." 


"Wonderful," said Smith. "In that case, please send the bill to my brother-in-law." 


現在,由你來完成這個填空: 老處女 = _________?





