文章來源: stillthere2016-04-13 20:20:17

Leonard Matheson Norris (1913-1997)是溫哥華太陽報30餘年的漫畫專欄畫家。他的作品準確和誇張搭配得極為巧妙,筆法細膩,生動,題材包攬萬象,深受讀者喜愛。我自己特別喜歡,收集了多輯珍藏本。在這裏選出三副與自行車有關的。

"See here, I says to the missus, we've got a week to prepare for this threatened oil strike. I'll look after transportation, you see to the house ..." (November 18, 1965)

"He started it innocently enough with that once-a-month Bicycle Sunday in the park ..." (April 17, 1973)"

"That was the last fare increase ... may be this time I'll get you a brand new one." (August 1, 1978)