文章來源: 梁山石燕2011-03-02 09:02:48

就我目前的交易探索,我發現不管是日衝還是短線,無論你的技巧如何精確,影響打低持倉成本效果的最主要因素還是: 倉位! 也就是你究竟用多大比例的倉位去進行高拋低吸和低吸高拋的活動!!!
這個很好理解,如果每次隻用10%的倉位去倒騰,無論你怎麽精確巧妙,比如抓了10%的日漲幅,對最後結果的影響隻有1%.但是用50%的倉位,隻要抓了5%,最後成本價就降了2.5%.更進一步,90%的倉位倒騰,抓日跌幅的4%,成本下降3.6%, 這個效果就很顯著了.

目前的策略:提高倉位交易比例至30-90%,現金比例20%.這裏麵,日衝還是顯示出了它無與倫比的優越性.因為開盤價很容易受莊家和外界消息以及大勢的影響.這對SWING TRADING 是非常不利的,也就是SWING TRADING 的不可控因素太多.但日衝就不同,幾乎就是比較純粹的技術,這個是個人水平比較容易能控製的部分.也就是賺確定無疑的鈔票還得日衝好啊!



這才上真正的"倉位交易",也就是Position trading. 至於網上說的,甚至一些交易公司裏科普的Position trading概念,我認為都是瞎扯!
Position Trading:

Position trading, also known as 'trend trading', can best be described as a 'buy and hold' method. Positions can be open for a few days, a few weeks, a few months or longer. They are also held during periods of minor retracement with the expectation that they will eventually continue trending in the desired direction.
- The most forgiving type of trading - small mistakes are more easily absorbed in market movement and the size of your eventual profit.
- The easiest to learn. It is estimated that up to 25% of position traders learn to become profitable.
- Less stressful than intraday or swing trading.
- Easier to become successful with smaller startup capital.
- Much easier to predict the market as in general you will be following the overall trend.
- In general position trading is the most profitable.
- Less time consuming than day trading.

- Compounding has a lot less effect on profit than both intraday and swing trading.
- Because positions can be highly leveraged and trades remain open for extended periods of time, unable to reap consistent benefits of interest.
- There is inherent risk in keeping positions open over night. It is quite possible for drastic changes to occur in the market while you sleep.
- Money can be tied up for an extended period of time. This can prevent entry into new positions as they arise.
- Because of the length of time involved in position trading, traders can experience significant drawdown with the expectation that it will turn around and start trending back in the desired direction. Psychologically this can have a very negative effect.