文章來源: 不明則問2008-12-28 22:52:14




Q2:"Christian have a whole different mind set"---how different? And why?




I think to understand Christinality, the most fundamental questions are do you believe Jesus, do you believe he is God? There are too much into this question, I am refer you to a book: the case for Christ by Lee Strobel, he is a Jornalist graduated from Yale law school, the book describe his investigation on the identity for Jesus, he started trying to prove Jesus was an illusion, ended up with the believe that Jesus is the Christ. You can buy the book on line, here is the link:

If you do not believe there is a God, and Jesus is the God, then discussions about christianality became a philosophical debate. I feel that is meaningless. The reason being Christian believe the bible, and there is a holy spirit guided the writing and assembly of the bible, so they are God's word even though He used human hand to finish the work. The teaching of the bible is either God's word or nothing at all. If Jesus is a lie, why should we believe anything the bible says?

For now I will just give you a very brief answer to your question:
1. The orginainal sin is also called "genesis chapter three problem". In genesis Chapter three, the serpent deceived Eve, and Adam, lead them to eat the fruit on the tree of knowledge. This is a sin because God had told them do not eat those fruits. As children of Adam and Eve, we are all sinful--- we all tend to dosobey God.

2. Because Christian believe after leave this earth, we are going to live in the new heavan and new earth with God, life in this earth is only a very small part. Just as we think give children little bit tough time will do children good, we look the life on this earth the same way. Tough times are supposed to lead us grow stronger spiritually.

3. The answer to the third question may vary with different Christian groups. Some people take the old testment word by word, some people think the old testment is meant to be a spiritual book, it deliver the idea, not necessary a factual story book. Afterall, evolution is only a theory, nobody was there to prove it, few experiments in the chemistry lab is far from prove. Alternative theory, such as intelligence design emerge in recent years. Science will progress over time, we have known very little about life at this moment. However, I live on this age, I need to decide for myself, is there God? As I read the new testment, I feel the story is very real, much more reliable than a impossible-to-prove scientific theory, so I chose to believe the former. Everyone has to make their own choices.

Feel free to contact me if you have further questions, it is nice talking to you.:)








2。“Because Christian believe after leave this earth, we are going to live in the new heavan and new earth with God”。

不幸的是:從來沒有任何人(包括基督徒)能向世人證明這個“after life”和“new heavan and new earth” 的存在。這個“相信”是沒有任何事實基礎的。

同時,把“現世生命”和“after life”的關係作為一種哲學/人生觀,不是基督教所獨有的。別的宗教也有,比如伊斯蘭教。

3。“Some people take the old testment word by word, some people think the old testment is meant to be a spiritual book, it deliver the idea, not necessary a factual story book.”


“Afterall, evolution is only a theory, nobody was there to prove it, few experiments in the chemistry lab is far from prove. ”

請告訴我,現代科學中,哪一個領域的理論不是“only a theory”?進化論和它們有什麽不同而要遭受基督教/天主教徒的凶狠攻擊?

現代進化論是有非常大量的科學證據所支持的。絕對不僅僅是“few experiments in the chemistry lab” 那麽簡單。這些證據出自於很多學科和領域,比如:分子生物學、古生物學、考古學、地質學、物理、化學、等等。

“Alternative theory, such as intelligence design emerge in recent years.”

說到“intelligence design”(智能設計論),這不過是一些搞科學的人在無法/沒有看到科學答案時對宗教的投降的產物。這些理論除了舉出一大堆事例來宣稱沒法用科學的辦法來解釋,隻能用“上帝”來解釋以外,什麽有用的都沒說。這樣的“理論”,一言以庇之,實際上就是“科學無用論”的不同版本而已。跟當初的“讀書無用論”一樣糟糕,而危害還更大---因為它們要阻擋的是全人類的思想前進的步伐。當然,隻是“螳臂擋車”而已。

“As I read the new testment, I feel the story is very real, much more reliable than a impossible-to-prove scientific theory,”

