4 五旬節
文章來源: 提摩太2007-06-04 12:51:12

撒 母 耳 記 下 22-23:23; 使 徒 行 傳 2:1-47; 詩 篇 122:1-9; 箴 言 16:19-20

- 大衛的詩 “耶和華是我的力量”,與詩篇18篇基本相同。
- 五旬節聖靈降臨,其重要性可與聖誕比擬。初代教會的情形。
- 大衛為耶路撒冷求平安
- 謙卑得公義

Impression on President Obama's Cairo speech

1. Relationship with Afghanistan, Iraq
2. Isareil, Palestine and the Arab world
3. Relationship with Iran
4. Democracy
5. Religious Freedom.
6. Women's rights
7. Economy

The first three tensions are the key points in his speech. It is all about the reconsilliation between the US and the muslim world. President Obama is clearly making positive moves by closing Guantanamo Bay prison, promising no military base in Afghanistan, embracing the religious diversity, and most of all, his willingness to address these issues in Cairo.

This man has the potential to change the world.
