文章來源: 西海之歌2007-11-01 21:15:25


 When ti wusn my brthday I uvit tis Amey Ashaly and Lidesy evayone bot a gift ixat Amey forgot her gift but on Sunday her give me the gift afr bat. We went to jol but Amey’s cass was frst I asol wot to be in Amey cass but win she give me the gift it wusn a Pony. I love Pony’s veay veay veay veay veay veay veay veay veay veay veay veay much but I well tle you wut it looks like…


When it was my birthday, I invited Amy, Ashley, and Lindsey. Everyone bought a gift except Amy forgot her gift. But on Sunday she gave me the gift after class. We went to the drawing class, but Amy’s class was first. I also want to be in Amy’s class. When she gave me the gift, it was a Pony. I love Pony very … very much. But I will tell you what it looks like …
