文章來源: delilah2012010-12-26 08:39:13



Coq au Vin(雞肉).

Beef Wellington(牛肉).

Garden Pasta Salad.

Roman Summer Salad(西紅柿為主).

Spinach Casserole .


Mini Cheesecake(買的).


從選菜單,采購,烹飪全是偶一個人,還是如往常,在選菜單時考慮到大家的口味,也不要把自己累倒.通常也會選擇一兩個可以把準備工作提前做好,到時就不會堆在一起把自己搞得手忙腳亂.比如,beef wellington的準備工作可以頭一天做好,第二天再烤.Garden Pasta Salad也可以提前一天做好放冰箱.baklava是偶前一兩天就做好的.

昨晚烤了近4磅的beef wellington,全吃光了,連偶家的都沒忍住,好像是昏後這莫多年,偶看到他第三次吃牛肉.





5.這套杯子也是最近淘到的,可惜的是晚了一步,水杯被一老太太先行一步買走了,偶就買到了8個wine glasses











特別推薦一哈這個Coq au Vin.是Le Crueset網站上的,偶常常做,很喜歡吃.


2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

225g (2 cups) chopped bacon

1 medium onion, chopped

two 2kg (41⁄2 pound) chickens, each cut into 8 pieces

5 tablespoons brandy

a few sprigs of fresh thyme, rosemary and parsley

2 bay leaves

3 garlic cloves, crushed

1 tablespoon tomato purée

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon sugar

1 bottle (75cl) full-bodied, dry red wine (see Wine Tip below)

2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, to garnish

For the glazed shallots and mushrooms:

15g (1 tablespoon) butter

2 tablespoons olive oil

350g (12 ounces) shallots

350g (12 ounces) button mushrooms, cleaned

For the beurre manié:

30g (2 tablespoons) butter, softened

2 tablespoons plain flour

Cooking Instructions:

1.Heat the oil in the pot over medium heat on the hob. Add the bacon and onion and cook, stirring, until both are softened and then remove, draining well.

2.Fry the chicken in batches until all the pieces are evenly browned, then return them all to the pot with the bacon and onion. Remove the pot from the heat and add the brandy. Carefully ignite, standing well back until the flames subside, then return the pot to the heat.

3.Preheat the oven to 275°F/140°C/Gas Mark 1. Tie all the herbs into a bundle with fine string and add this to the pot with the garlic, tomato purée, lemon juice, sugar and red wine. Cover with the lid and cook in the oven for 2 to 21⁄2 hours until the chicken is very tender.

4.About 30 minutes before the chicken finishes cooking, melt the butter and oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Add the shallots and fry for 10 to 15 minutes until they are golden brown and soft; transfer to a plate. Add the mushrooms to the pan and toss so they are just cooked and coloured.

5.Blend the butter and flour together in a small bowl. Remove a few pieces of the cooked chicken to make room to stir in the beurre manié. Add this in small amounts, stirring after each addition so that the sauce remains smooth.

6.When all the beurre manié has been incorporated, return the chicken together with the shallots and mushrooms. Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Sprinkle the top generously with the parsley and serve from the pot.

Wine Tip

This dish has traditionally been prepared with red Burgundy which makes an excellent accompaniment to the meal. Try one of the red wines from the Burgundy villages of Marsannay or Santenay. Or try a Pinot Noir from Oregon.