文章來源: 菲媽媽2006-10-13 19:50:46

明明出生記 (2月2日, 2006)

我兒子來的很容易。一直都沒想要孩子,認為至少還可以等兩年。到30的時候再說。可是越來越多不孕的例子再加上我媽一直再催,我就有點兒動搖了。和老公商量是不是先試試看。試三個月,有就要,沒有再說沒有的。老公沒意見,一切由我決定。結果沒想到馬上就中標。連讓我再考慮考慮的時間都沒給。開始的三個月可把我折磨苦了,真是抱著馬桶吐。都想過不要這個孩子。孕中期還好,就是特別想吃。經常去私房逛,自己還做了個菜譜本。後期就又苦了。睡不好覺,越來越重。我一共長了50磅。做飯的興致早就沒了。每天下班回家就想睡覺。走路都累,就更別提鍛煉了。兒子預產期是1月22號,結果硬是拖到了2月2號。我爸媽16號就到了,以為兒子得早出來。我更是上班到31號,天天得承受同事們的“關懷” 。早上醒來先歎口氣,又得上班。到最後有種錯覺以為自己要懷孕一輩子了。 終於1號早上3點多,起來上廁所時感覺到點兒痛。看了表,陣痛大約7,8分鍾一次。但是不太疼,就又回去睡覺了。心裏祈禱著兒子你可快出來吧。1號和老公就沒上班。一整天陣痛都不是太規律,5,6分鍾,7,8分鍾的都有。不好的是我腰開始痛,上過產課。記得好像是back labor。說是上腰麻都不好使。到了這份上,隻能聽天由命了。終於到了晚上6點多,陣痛的時間延長了。馬上決定上醫院。如果被攆回來就權當演習了。拿著早就準備好的包,爸媽帶上大包小包吃的,就去醫院了。在路上,陣痛就已經5分鍾一次,每次1分多鍾。到了醫院,護士一檢查已經開了4指。這下就不用回家了。7點半的時候進了產房。說要上IV。結果上這個IV是我整個生產過程最痛的。小護士好像還在見習,紮的我媽眼淚都下來了。最後還是得老護士來完成任務。因為我生之前一點路都沒走,就決定先好好睡一覺,到時好有力氣生寶寶。可實在是太興奮了,隻睡了一個多小時。這個時候陣痛還是可以忍受。疼的時候就用呼吸大法,不疼了就和爸媽,老公說會兒話。猜猜寶寶能長什麽樣子。大約11點,護士又來檢查,開了7指了。寶寶的心跳都很正常,隻能繼續等。護士問要不要腰麻,但同時也說了麻藥可能會使宮縮慢下來。我想想還能挺,就先等一會兒。 2點的時候,醫生進來給我破了水。水還是清的,說明寶寶沒在裏麵淘氣。誰想到破了水之後我就開始渾身發抖。而且陣痛來的時候我也忘了呼吸。太疼了!(現在也忘了是怎麽個疼法。) 馬上要求上腰麻。可能因為是淩晨,麻醉師兩分鍾就到。還好沒象姐妹們說的半個多小時。其實上腰麻一點都不疼。我媽後來告訴我說針頭很粗。但當時可把我嚇壞了。老公在前麵扶著我,一個勁兒的和我講去年我們去墨西哥怎麽玩的潛水來分散我的注意力。還真起作用了。隻感覺後背一暖和,就完事了。倒是我自己不敢動。護士說可能要兩三個宮縮之後麻藥才會起作用。可我下一個宮縮就感覺不到了。而且也不抖了。人家都是上了腰麻會發抖,我卻是上腰麻來治發抖。每個人都是不一樣的。大約2點左右,護士又來檢查。這下好,開10指了。但是寶寶的頭還沒太下來。護士說可以再等等,但是如果想push也可以開始push了。不過大約得要2個小時。我實在是不想再等了,就決定開始 push。這兩個小時真是漫長,前一個小時沒什麽進展。護士決定減少腰麻的量。開始我沒同意,因為不想太疼。但後來我開始發燒,怕寶寶有危險就減了腰麻。還真不疼,但是我能感覺到往哪裏使勁兒了。終於熬到了兩個小時,怎麽還看不到醫生?我真的有點兒快挺不住了。就一個勁兒的閉眼睛使勁。沒想到,再睜開眼已經有兩個醫生在房間裏了,而且開始穿衣服。我在電視裏看過,一穿衣服就是快生了。一直都是我媽和老公報著我的腿使勁,這回護士也把架子抽出來,把我的腿架住。終於看到曙光了。又push了幾次就聽所有人大聲喊 “push, push…”。一抬頭就看到我媽又開始擦眼睛,就知道是下剪子了。再然後就是寶寶的哭聲。10個月的等待,27小時的labor,2個半小時的pushing,終於見到了寶寶。懷裏抱著這個肉滾滾,熱乎乎的小東西,我一句話都說不出來。老公也忘了照相。攝像機更是忘在了車裏。老公後來說就是當時沒記錄下來,他也永遠忘不了這個過程。由於過了預產期10多天,寶寶變成了大寶寶。重9 lb 5 oz,長21 inches。寶寶出來之後在我懷裏有10多分鍾,這個時候醫生弄出了胎盤,我沒有再用力,胎盤就出來了。生寶寶的時候沒覺得什麽,胎盤出來的時候肚子一空。然後又給我縫傷口。當時忘了問縫幾針。不過我的傷口夠長的。回家之後自己照鏡子看隻能用慘不忍睹來形容。
現在快滿月了。自我感覺恢複的挺好。惡露沒了,傷口也好了。寶寶非常的乖,不哭也不鬧。現在眼睛已經會跟人兒了。就是臉上起了好多baby acne, 讓媽媽非常的不舍。


It finally happened!

I finally added my first post to the blog. Oh yeah, we also finally delivered our little boy, Maxwell Yi. Max decided to show up at 6:34 am on Thurs. morning. He gave Mom quite a challenge but she didn't give up and PUSHED on through. I'm very proud of her.

We went to the clinic on Tues. for a scheduled appt. and the doctor "massaged the membranes", something which is supposed to help the labor and contractions come along. By Tues. evening Fei was feeling a few contractions and at 3 am Wed. morning she woke up and began timing them. She was able to get back to sleep but when she woke up on Wed. morning she decided that; "today might be the day". We stayed home on Wed. and timed contractions and called the hospital phone number for a little advice. They got our paperwork together and told us to come in once the contractions were a little less than 5 minutes apart. Well... that happened at about 6 pm on Wed. night.

We calmly packed up the truck with everything that we needed, Feii's parents included, and headed off to the hospital. When we got there they checked Fei and discovered she was dilated to 4 cm., so this was the real deal. After that they moved us to a nice labor/delivery room at about 8 pm where Fei was hooked up to a fetal monitor where we watched baby's heartbeat and the contractions. We watched Fei deal with the contractions for about 1.5 hours while the nurses prepared the room and helped us along with questions. They decided to break the water at about 10. After that things really started to pick up and Fei asked for the epidural shortly afterwards. The epidural was a noticeable relief, so much that she didn't even feel the next contractions. She was dilated to about 7cm. at this point and the contractions didn't slow down.

Fei was able to get no more than an hour of sleep at  1 am on Thurs. morning. She then woke up at about 2:30 and could feel some of the contractions. The nurses checked and she was very close to 10 cm. and that very soon she might be able to start pushing.

She started pushing at 4:10 and didn't stop until Max showed up. Fei worked very hard and I was impressed with all she did. I think the nursing staff and doctor were very impressed with Max's size, 9 lbs. 5 oz. Max came out and soon after he was cleaned up he began sleeping and resting from his difficult night. I think I went a little numb at the moment he arrived only to be awoken by all the commotion in the room. It's an indescribable experience. Fei and I were definitely experiencing a lot of expressionless emotion.

Altogether we were at the hospital for a little less than 48 hrs. We got home on Fri. night and I found out that I've been replaced as the, "man in her life". I've attached a few of the photos taken at the hospital but I'm sure once Mom feels a little better she'll be taking many more photos and updating them here.