羅傑斯演講全錄 (ZT)
文章來源: lei1232007-10-16 08:20:02

羅傑斯終於進入我的視野了 原來是這麽一個糟老頭 怪不得他對 Greenspan出言不遜 嫉妒阿
羅傑斯不比 Greenspan差那去 屬於諸葛周愉之類

來源: chai3rd@hotmail.com 於 06-05-16 07:59:24


剛看了一下以前熊弟連帖的“羅傑斯演講全錄”。因為看過他寫的 capitalist adventure,所以並沒有什麽新內容。其內容隻是 capitalist adventure的總結節選。


做投資或投機的最重要的品質之一是要保持客觀。與Greenspan是好朋友阻止不了說他不聰明。其實,在capitalist adventure裏,Rogers 把 Greenspan說的一錢不值。

羅傑斯演講全錄 (ZT)  

Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons    (1994)

Adventure Capitalist: the Ultimate Road Trip
Random House; 1 edition (May 13 2003)

Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Best Market
Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks; Reprint edition ( 2004 )

A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World's Greatest Market
Publisher: Random House (4 Dec 2007)

George Soros

George Soros is the son of the Esperanto writer Teodoro Schwartz. Teodoro (also known as Tivadar) was a Hungarian Jew who was a prisoner of war during and after World War I and eventually escaped from Russia to rejoin his family in Budapest.[4]