抄熬破心一個半月痛苦體會 --- from xiamai Blog
文章來源: lei1232007-09-15 07:32:53
From xiamai Blog

抄熬破心一個半月痛苦體會.2007-04-15 12:23:54
損失慘重. 從開始的賺3000多到現在虧3000多.


1. short term option need very good ta. The first buy should win.
Some of lost is based on first buy loss and i havn't cut loss quickly.

2. When my first buy is win I need take the profit as quick as possible. OPtion is different with stock,
When it turn the direction it shrink very quickly. Plus it can make the seller very hard to sell their position.
My problem is not cash out quickly so let the profit fly away.

3. Do not touch the expencive option. Such as high price stock option ( 1.cme,ma,ice, goog) Or the high volatility option ( Such as lend, dndn, cege, amag, rimm) These option will drop very quickly when the stock price can't move quickly to your direction.

These are my lessons from option trading. Share with you!