2006/10/18 市場評論
文章來源: 橫刀立馬2006-10-18 14:16:48
2006/10/18 市場評論

指數在這個位置可能會盤整一段時間。目前是寬幅震蕩,以下幾個交易日可能都是寬幅震蕩,周五OE還會有一些變數,特別是GOOG 明天盤後出ER。NDX今天下探1695有支撐,即使下跌空間也不大,1680應為強支撐。依然維持強勢的Naz領漲股有MSFT/SBUX/ORCL.

今天INTC ER後雖然漲了,但高開低走,並沒有把Naz盤子帶起來。JPM猛跌,開盤帶領C/BAC下跌,但C/BAC隨即止跌,由於IBM的跳空高開,指數全天處於拉鋸狀態。在目前這個高位寬幅震蕩會使短線換手增加,造成成交量放大。


再次像樣走高可能會是MSFT ER後,差不多是這波的尾聲了。然後應會有一個像樣的回調。 SP500的支撐依次是1350,1340,1330,1310,1290。

MSFT/GOOG/CSCO are very drop-proof.

YHOO gets strong support. $25 call might be the best choice since it's going to have ER today.

INTC it's still above $20.75 support even with a downgrade and big volume so far today.

Financial sector in SP500 is very strong. It dropped a lot yesterday while index was up. JPM/C/BAC look very good.

With today's good correction, OE day may be expected as a good day.

QQQQ may be subject to drop a little more. Might not a good entry point now.

Till yesterday, many shorts were forced to cover. With today's good correction, the next several days may look like rebounce to attract bears. Be careful, in a bull market, one is supposed to long. Don't be scared by the correction. It's health!