文章來源: 神在阿堵中2008-06-29 13:22:06

黃豆豆,1977年2月生於浙江溫州。北京舞蹈學院畢業, 現為上海歌舞團藝術總監。 他跳的“醉鼓”,“秦俑魂”,“蘇武”,我想好多人都一定記得。他那種一往無前的氣勢,那種揮灑自如大開大闔的陽剛氣質,那種充滿力度和韻味的帥勁,叫人過目難忘。





最近,我讀了一篇采訪記,是采訪在印第安納,波特蘭出生的美國舞蹈家特拉 · 薩普 ( Twyla Tharp ) 的文章。我看了後,也有看了那種優秀舞蹈的感覺,覺得挺受感動的。

特拉 · 薩普於 1941 年 7 月 1 日出生,後天就是她的 67 歲生日了。她是美國的頂尖舞蹈演出家和芭蕾舞設計家, 她設計過 125 部舞蹈,五部電影裏的舞蹈,兩部百老匯音樂舞劇,出版了兩本書。她獲得過 Emmy 以及 Tony 兩個大獎和許多大小不等的獎項。( Emmy —— 艾美獎——是美國每年對電視、節目安排、演技等藝術演出有卓越成就者所頒發的小雕像獎。) 她目前住在紐約,從事她熱愛的舞蹈事業。

和黃豆豆的老師一樣, 特拉 · 薩普也說了類似的話:

Just do whatever it takes to get moving !

她說,人總是要死的,但是, 人還得往前走!不要浪費時間。創造性,就是一種成果。一種好習慣的成果,一種努力工作的成果,一種不間斷地追尋人生的挑戰的成果!



Creativity Step by Step

A Conversation with Choreographer Twyla Tharp by Diane Coutu

Most people believe that creative genius is a predetermined personality trait reserved for only a gifted few. Tharp—an award-winning choreographer who has revolutionized dance in our time—firmly rejects that notion. “Everyone can be creative,” she says, “but you have to prepare for it with routine.”

The winner of a MacArthur fellowship, a Tony award, and two Emmys, Tharp has been the artistic force behind her own dance company, Broadway shows, and TV productions, and has created choreography for movies (including Hair and Amadeus) and leading ballet companies around the world. In this conversation with senior editor Diane Coutu, Tharp shares her thoughts about what it takes to achieve creative breakthroughs: hardheaded practicality, discipline, and ruthlessness about the work. She is unsentimental in her advice to aspiring innovators who worry that they don’t have the right stuff: Get over yourself. Get angry, throw a tantrum—just do whatever it takes to get moving, and stop wasting time. Creativity is the result of habit, hard work, and constantly pursuing new challenges. Don’t get hung up on originality or on failure; if you never fail, you’ll stagnate. Mentors may help guide you to your goals, but don’t choose people who will hold your hand. Choose mentors who can teach you, and invent them if you have to.

In her no-nonsense way, Tharp also talks about her commitment to being uncompromising in her work, even when it exacted a price (such as forgone vacations and personal relationships) or was otherwise painful (when it involved firing extraordinary people). “ It’s a terrible analogy, but when it comes to your work, you have a war to win,” she says.

這就是我覺得很精彩的話。她說, Men are going to die ! just do whatever it takes to get moving, and stop wasting time. Creativity is the result of habit, hard work, and constantly pursuing new challenges !

(Source: Harvard Business Review, April 2008, Volume 86, Number4)