文章來源: lunamia2008-03-19 17:43:52



經過這一段時間的努力,我們決定在康州紐黑文耶魯大學校園區舉辦一場《海外遊子愛心演唱會》,來為雲南楚雄師院附中的貧困學生募捐籌款,這個倡議得到了康州華人社區的支持,得到了耶魯音樂學院青年鋼琴家劉健,長笛演奏家王明珠,大提琴演奏家翟慧莉等華人音樂家們的支持與加盟演出,得到了耶魯醫學院研究員男高音楊伏塵的大力支持與加盟演出, 得到了耶魯華人合唱團,彩蝶舞蹈藝術團耶魯中國學生學者聯誼會(ACSSY),康州華社理事,耶魯/紐黑文社區中文學校程愛萍武術大師Neighborhood Music School, 以及居住在紐約的男低音歌唱家何孝慶先生的支持,他將特地從紐約趕來獻唱。所有參演者及組織者都是盡義務,盡愛心。所有籌集的款項都將寄往雲南楚雄師院附中教育基金會,專款專用,將由邊城秀才和歐琳老師負責監督。

今天,Trinity Lutheran Church的牧師決定以優惠價租金借給我們演出禮堂,來支持我們這一慈善活動!

正如歌曲《愛的奉獻》歌詞中唱到的那樣“隻要人人都獻出一點愛,世界將變成美好的人間! ”,我期待著有更多的藝術家和音樂家,社團組織,讚助商參與進來,伸出你的手,伸出他的手,讓我們心連心,手牽手,來幫助那些需要幫助的品學兼優、家境貧困的孩子們!


-- 明苑 (Lunamia)


地點:Trinity Lutheran Church
292 Orange St, New Haven, CT 06510
票價: 讚助票$20.00;   普通票
(Honor Ticket: $20/each; Regular Ticket: $10/each)

點擊這裏看: 《海外遊子愛心演唱會》海報








有些網友詢問怎樣給晚會募捐? 可否給籌款音樂會寄支票來。。。



支票 Pay to: ACSSY -- (耶魯中國學生學者聯誼會)


800 Village Walk, #206
Guilford, CT 06437 USA


有兩篇罷了關於為雲南楚雄貧困生捐款的感人文章, 鏈接在此:





《The Love&Care Concert of Overseas Chinese Performers》

In environmentally blighted China, the Province of Yunnan is the only remaining green-belt of the country. Between China and Burma, it is the area whose nature is covered by jade-green mountains but whose people are plagued by poverty. All over the province, remote and reclusive locales are populated by various ethnic minorities that are aboriginal, primitive, and destitute. The City of ChuXiong (pronounced ChuShoong) is just such one locus in this indigent area.

A mid-sized town with a population of 2.6 million, ChuXiong is almost a forgotten place in China’s massive economic build-up. In this town, the current per-capita income is 2,000 Chinese Yuan, but the average annual cost per middle/high-school student is 4,000. Families are facing the dilemma of squeezing their already meager life and suffering an unthinkable hardship so that their children can have the minimal education, or not sending their kids to school at all and letting them stay in perpetuating poverty.

ChuXiong Normal College High is a local institute that provides middle and high schools to youngsters of both Han and ethnic Yi people. 1766 students are taught by 141 faculty members in 34 classrooms. However, each year 10% of those students are on the verge of dropping out of school unless additional societal resources are found supporting them financially to finish their middle school or high school diplomas.

ChuXiong people are undoubtedly in lack of resources necessary for their schools; however, they are certainly not in lack of will power to fight their way out of poverty. Local officials, school teachers and students are all on their endeavor to make education their number one priority for young generation and generations to come. Yet, help is much needed.

For the purpose of helping those financially struggling students, “The Love&Care Concert of Overseas Chinese Performers” is organized, with the ticket proceeds and pledges all devoted to the needy students studying at ChuXiong Normal College High. Certainly, being aware of the limitation of what we can do in one evening, we fully realize that contribution in this very evening will be far from what the needs call upon our conscience. While we can not help every needy student, every bit of help will find its way to the solution of ChuXiong poverty.

Contributing to ticket proceeds, pledging sponsorship, or helping in any other ways will change the fate of those desperate students and the fate of future generations in that poor area. Together, we are so proud on this benevolent and noble cause and on behalf of ChuXiong Students, we are deeply appreciative of your donations.

Thank you and enjoy the show.


(By Lunamia 2008-3-19)