文章來源: lunamia2006-12-01 17:28:10



鋼琴獨奏&伴奏: 劉健 女高音獨唱:明苑

From East To West
– Classic Vocal and Piano Music

By Pianist Jian Liu and Soprano Ming Yuan



現在攻讀藝術家文憑, 1996年4月在美密蘇理第六屆國際鋼琴比賽中獲少年組第一名金獎的旅美青年鋼琴家劉健將演奏莫紮特,蕭邦,舒曼的作品.

The talented young pianist, the first place in the Sixth Missouri Southern International Piano Competition winner Jian Liu, a graduate student at Yale School of Music will perform exciting piano pieces by Mozart, Chopin and Schumann.



The lyric Chinese soprano Ming Yuan will bring you her favorite operatic arias from Puccini and also Chinese song.


Soprano Solo by Ming Yuan, pianist: Jian Liu
“啊,中國的土地” - 中國藝術歌曲
"Oh, China's Land" -- Chinese Lyric Song

"平安夜" - 聖誕歌曲
"Silent Night" - Christmas Song

Piano Solo by Jian Liu:
Mozart: Fantasy in d minor
Chopin: Fantasy in f minor


Soprano Solo by Ming Yuan, pianist: Jian Liu
“主人,您聽我說” -- 柳兒的詠歎調,
"Signore, ascolta!" --Liu's aria,
from Giacomo Puccini's opera

“人們叫我咪咪” -- 咪咪的詠歎調,
"Mi chiamano Mimi"" --Mimi's aria,
from Giacomo Puccini's opera < Bohème>

Piano Solo by Jian Liu:
Villa-Lobos: Festa no Sertao "Jungle Festival",
from Ciclo Brasileiro
Schumann: Third movement & Fourth movement,
from Sonata in f# minor

Soprano Solo by Ming Yuan, pianist: Jian Liu
“漫步街上” -- 穆塞塔的詠歎調,
"Quando men vo" -- Musetta's aria,
from Giacomo Puccini's opera

“晴朗的一天” -- 巧巧桑的詠歎調,
"Un bel di vedremo" --Cio-Cio-San's aria,
from Giacomo Puccini's opera

By 明苑尋夢
