文章來源: 長空2009-09-27 19:43:03





--“當年台灣不也是在美國升起中華民國的青天白日滿地紅的旗子。世界上可能隻有我們中國人在乎升旗子。我就不記得人家其他大國在美國升過自己的旗子。不過,有同胞有那個熱血參加,也是值得佩服的。不過要記得,有多少無辜的百姓,也是在同樣的旗子底下冤死,被整死的。又有多少烈士為了真正的新中國斷送了生命。看到今天 祖國的強大,不知道他們的心中對這五星旗是不是也和在場的同胞同樣的心情。”


至於是不是隻有中國人才那麽看中升旗,廢話我也不多說,Please use your judgement.


BAGHDAD, Iraq (January 5, 2009) - U.S. Marines raise the American flag during the dedication ceremony for the new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, Jan. 5, 2009. The Marines are assigned to the Marine Security Detachment of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Derren J. Mazza, U.S. Army) 

The Newcomerstown Honor Guard, comprised of members of VFW Post 3303, American Legion Post 431 and Vietnam Veterans of America Post 532, raise the American flag while the Schoenbrunn Valley Barbershop Chorus sings the national anthem at the 11th annual West Chester Day.

Chinese soldiers raise an American flag prior to a March 2007 visit to Beijing by the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Peter Pace.
