【波士頓法律(Boston Legal) 第1季】【全17集】
文章來源: SmokyTiger2006-10-19 17:11:57

中文名稱:波士頓法律 第一季
英文名稱:Boston Legal Season 1
導演:David E. Kelley
演員:詹姆斯-斯貝德(James Spader)——飾艾倫-肖(Alan Shore)
   威廉-夏納(William Shatner)——飾丹尼-克瑞恩(Denny Crane)
   莫妮卡-波特(Monica Potter)——飾勞麗-考爾森(Lori Colson)
   羅娜-邁特拉(Rhona Mitra)——飾塔拉-威爾森(Tara Wilson)
   馬克-威利(Mark Valley)——飾布拉德-蔡斯(Brad Chase)
   雷內-奧博諾伊斯(Rene Auberjonois)——飾保羅-路易斯頓(Paul Lewiston)
   坎迪絲-伯根(Candice Bergen)——飾雪莉-施密特(Shirley Schmidt)
   萊克-貝爾(Lake Bell)——飾莎莉-希普(Sally Heep)
   瑞安-米切爾-貝茲(Ryan Michelle Bathe)——飾薩拉-霍特(Sara Holt)
   賈斯汀-曼特爾(Justin Mentell)——飾加瑞特-威爾斯(Garrett Wells)
   茱麗-鮑文(Julie Bowen)——飾丹妮斯-鮑爾(Denise Bauer)


      美國ABC電視台《律師本色》(The Practice)的姊妹劇,在“本色”最後一季中,艾倫-肖被Young, Frutt,and Berluti公司解雇後,決定為Crane, Poole, and Schmidt律師行工作。在上司丹尼-克瑞恩的幫助下,他打贏了幾件沒人願意接手的案子——當然其中也要耍點花招和手段,他迅速建立起自己的威信。並因此聲名遠揚。他與導師丹尼-克瑞恩形成一種亦師亦友的親密關係,丹尼上了年紀總是忘事,被律師行的同仁視為怪人。



      挾著Emmy獎的光環,Boston Legal又推出了第二季。劇情中仍然講述律師的專業與社會大眾精彩且又帶著豐富情感的情節。快速的節奏與黑色的幽默,麵對社會與道德問題,在在連續不斷地挑戰法律的界限。

      Emmy 獎的得主James Spader與William Shatner分別飾演Alan Shore與Denny Crane。兩人間的互動,在高價訴訟的過程中,不太可能會發展出如親人般的親密的關係。另外新加入的律師合夥人Shirley Schmidt(Candice Bergen飾),則是被哄騙回到Boston的律師事務所幫忙整頓辦公室的行政混亂等問題。她以機警的目光,照看事務所的一切。

     事務所裏的其它律師,包括了Brad Chase(Mark Valley飾)。他發現自己經常與Alen Shore在意誌的考驗中角力。還有Paul Lewiston (Rene Auberjonois飾),號稱『律師中的律師』,一直持續不斷地設法保護Denny Crane的周全。另外還有一位美麗律師Denise Bauer(Julie Bowen飾),她擁有堅韌意誌與智慧。與同事相處間,一貫地保持超然的態度。但絕不會讓任何事情擋住她的路。

Led by an Emmy Award-winning cast, "Boston Legal" returns for a third season to tell the professional and personal stories of a group of brilliant but often emotionally challenged attorneys. Fast-paced and darkly comedic, the series confronts social and moral issues, while its characters continually stretch the boundaries of the law.

Back-to-back Emmy Award winners James Spader and William Shatner play Alan Shore and Denny Crane, unlikely kindred spirits among the brigade of high-priced litigators at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. In addition, one of the founding law partners, Shirley Schmidt (played by five-time Emmy winner Candice Bergen), has been coaxed back to the Boston law firm to help bring order to the chaotic office. She keeps a vigilant eye on all, particularly Denny Crane - with whom she has a checkered history.

The firm's other attorneys include Brad Chase (Mark Valley), an ex-Marine who often finds himself in a test of wills with Alan Shore, and Paul Lewiston (Rene Auberjonois), the "lawyer's lawyer" who continually tries to save Crane from himself. Then there's Denise Bauer (Julie Bowen), a tough, smart senior associate still desperate to make partner. New to the Boston office of Crane Poole & Schmidt is Jeffrey Coho (Craig Bierko), an intense, grandiose criminal defense attorney as comfortable with making enemies as he is with making friends.


第1集:    http://www.uploading.com/files/LGO3BPNB/
第2集:    http://www.uploading.com/files/008XRZCH/
第3集:    http://www.uploading.com/files/BX1OLLLZ/
第4集:    http://www.uploading.com/files/RZAU7DCF/
第5集:    http://www.sendspace.com/file/2q0fyh
第6集:    http://www.uploading.com/files/9RET06A6/
第7集:    http://www.sendspace.com/file/ad14d9
第8集:    http://www.uploading.com/files/FP4T63R3/
第9集:    http://www.uploading.com/files/FE1E85GW/
第10集:  http://www.uploading.com/files/NIOL3FHK/
第11集: http://www.uploading.com/files/QCLLZL2T/
第12集: http://www.uploading.com/files/154FJ4KS/
第13集: http://www.uploading.com/files/SA4JI3VB/
第14集: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JOHVIQMF
第15集: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z3N4R4W7
第16集: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YE7ITYZL
第17集: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S92DOB4M