關於西芹根celery root的討論 (圖)
文章來源: 2007-01-14 13:24:04

celery root

如何處理celery root,以為是芥菜頭今天就買了,回家一看 
來源: huamao1 於 07-01-14 07:00:43
是celery root,不知道是否和芥菜頭一樣可以做‘辣燜兒’(辣菜吃謝謝

 • 西芹根塊倒還從未在加國超市見過有售的,應該辛香味很重吧。 -peterpan1668- ♂   (0 bytes) (4 reads) 1/14/07 
 • 不重,德國人拿來做沙拉,醃酸甜的,煮牛肉濃湯, 德國燴菜 -老恐龍- ♀   (0 bytes) (4 reads) 1/14/07 
 • 就在 food basics買的。不知昨天怎麽想的,看見它就買了 -huamao1-   (0 bytes) (0 reads) 1/14/07 
 • 幫你找到了幾個西式做法: -peterpan1668- ♂   (2618 bytes) (23 reads) 1/14/07 
 • 不行,這是芹菜頭, 洗幹淨, 把皮切下來裝袋冷凍, 煮湯的時候放幾塊. -老恐龍- ♀   (140 bytes) (12 reads) 1/14/07 
 • 是嗎,我是從來沒用過這玩意兒:) -peterpan1668- ♂   (0 bytes) (0 reads) 1/14/07 
 • 謝謝老恐龍和peterpan1668。那就一半炒肉絲,一半做包子 -huamao1-   (0 bytes) (1 reads) 1/14/07 
來源: peterpan1668 於 07-01-14 08:27:42

回答: 如何處理celery root,以為是芥菜頭今天就買了,回家一看 由 huamao1 於 2007-01-14 07:00:43


1 celery root (about 2 lbs.)
1 1/2 c. heavy cream
5 eggs
1 tbsp. unsalted butter
1 c. freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper

Preparation: 20 minutes. Cooking: 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Peel and grate the celery root. Heat the cream in a large saucepan over moderately high heat. Add celery and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to moderate and simmer until softened, about 10 minutes.

Empty into a large mixing bowl. Add the eggs, one at a time, stirring well after each addition. Use the butter to grease a 9x13 inch baking dish or 1 1/2 quart capacity gratin dish. (Alternatively, butter 6 individual 1 cup gratin dishes.)

Fill about 3/4 full with the celery mixture. Cover with Parmesan and bake until browned and set, about 20 minutes. Serve hot. Serves 6.


1/2 c. freshly made mayonnaise
1/4 c. sour cream
1 tbsp. finely chopped fresh dill
1 tbsp. finely chopped parsley
Freshly ground black pepper
1 lg. tart cooking apple, peeled, cored and cut into 1/4 inch slices
A 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 lb. celery root (celeriac)

In large mixing bowl, beat together mayonnaise, sour cream, dill, parsley, salt and few grindings of pepper. Gently stir in the apple slices, cover the bowl and set aside.
With a small sharp knife, peel the celery root and cut crosswise into 1/8 inch slices. Drop the slices into enough lightly salted boiling water to cover them completely and cook uncovered over moderate heat until tender, 20-25 minutes. Drain and pat slices dry with paper towels. Add the celery root to dressing, stir gently.


1 1/4 lb. celery root, peeled & cubed
1 lg. potato, peeled & cubed
2 leeks
2 tbsp. butter
2 cloves garlic, minced
5 c. chicken stock
Salt & pepper to taste
1/3 to 1/2 c. whipping cream
2 tbsp. scallions, finely chopped

Place celery root and potatoes in cold water with a few drops of lemon juice. Trim leeks and slice into 1/2 inch rounds. Melt butter in a large saucepan. Add leeks and garlic. Cook until leeks are soft and garlic is golden, about 5 minutes. Add chicken stock, celery root, potatoes, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. cover, lower heat and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes.
Puree in batches in a food processor. Strain through a sieve. Place puree back in pan. Simmer, adding enough cream to obtain proper thickness. Adjust seasoning. Serve garnished with scallions. Serves 4.
不行,這是芹菜頭, 洗幹淨, 把皮切下來裝袋冷凍, 煮湯的時候放幾塊. 
來源: 老恐龍 於 07-01-14 08:51:16
回答: 如何處理celery root,以為是芥菜頭今天就買了,回家一看 由 huamao1 於 2007-01-14 07:00:43

剩下的裏麵切絲炒肉絲, 尤其炒魚香肉絲很好吃. 還可以打碎包餃子,包子,味道都很好,