Outline of Kings
文章來源: 追求永生2006-12-13 12:40:35

Outline of Kings

  1. Solomon and the United Monarchy (1 Kings 1-11)
    1. Solomon secures the throne (1-2)
    2. Solomon's wisdom (3-4)
    3. Building the temple (5-8)
    4. Solomon's downfall (9-11)
  2. Parallel Histories of Israel and Judah (1 Kings 12-2 Kings 17)
    1. Division of the kingdom (12-16)
    2. Prophetic ministry of Elijah (1 Kings 17-2 Kings 2)
    3. Prophetic ministry of Elisha (2-9)
    4. Assyrian crisis (10-16)
  3. Judah to the Babylonian Exile (2 Kings 18-25)
    1. Hezekiah and Isaiah (18-20)
    2. Josiah's Reform (21-23)
    3. First conquest of Jerusalem (24)
    4. Second conquest of Jerusalem (25)