Outline of Job
文章來源: 追求永生2006-12-13 11:19:53

Outline of Job

  1. Narrative Prologue: Job's tragedy (1-2)
  2. Job's Lament (3)
  3. Dialogue Cycles(4-28)
      A. First Cycle (4-14)
        1. Eliphaz and Job (4-7)
        2. Bildad and Job (8-10)
        3. Zophar and Job (11-14)
      B. Second Cycle (15-21)
        1. Eliphaz and Job (15-17)
        2. Bildad and Job (18-19)
        3. Zophar and Job (20-21)
      C. Third Cycle (22-31)
        1. Eliphaz and Job (22-24:17)
        2. Bildad and Job (25:1-6, 26:1-27:12)
        3. Zophar and Job (24:18-25, 27:13-23; 28)
  4. Job's Final Discourse (29-31)
  5. Elihu's Speeches (32-37)
  6. Theophany (38-41)
  7. Narrative Epilogue: Job's reversal (42)