文章來源: anyOne2010-04-07 13:34:11

總有人咿咿呀呀的講在海外(為討論方便,假定是在美國吧),最痛苦的,莫過於不能融入主流社會。本人總有疑問,何為主流社會?英文是什麽?定義是什麽?後來經高人指點,發現所謂的主流,是英文main stream的中文翻譯。


Mainstream is, generally, the common current of thought of the majority. However, the mainstream is far from cohesive; rather the concept is often considered a cultural construct. It is a term most often applied in the arts (i.e., music, literature, and performance). This includes:

something that is available to the general public;
something that has ties to corporate or commercial entities.

As such, the mainstream includes all popular culture, typically disseminated by mass media. The opposite of the mainstream are subcultures, countercultures, cult followings, and (in fiction) genre. Additionally, mainstream is sometimes a codeword used for an actual ethnocentric or hegemonic subculture point of view, especially when delivered in a culture war speech. It is often used as a pejorative term. In the United States, mainline churches are sometimes referred to synonymously as "mainstream."



last but not least,還有這層意思,mainstream is sometimes a codeword used for an actual ethnocentric or hegemonic subculture point of view, especially when delivered in a culture war speech。有人有種族歧視的態度,那是小人,正越來越被mainstream所淘汰和不齒。對那種人,那種言論和態度,大可歧視回去完事。

我曾經有個老板,是個日裔美國人,她的老公是土生土長的日裔。老板曾經告訴我,從她來講,be a good american is to be a good japanese first。(要想作個合格的美國人,就先要作個合格的日本人)。這話有它的道理,美國,特別是今天的美國,是一個包容的美國。而且美國的優勢就在於它的社會裏存在各種不同的文化(diversfying),而且互相有機融合,又互相撞擊,有同有異,即所謂的American pie,而這是美國相對於其它國家的創造力和競爭優勢的源泉,形象講,就好象是雜交優勢。在這樣的社會裏,作為個體,對整體的貢獻,就包括保持自己的文化傳統,人格特質,但對外文化采取包容的,開放的心態,取人之長,補己之短,並使整個社會更加豐富,更加多彩。
