Benefits from talking with a business school student
文章來源: 疏燈影裏看鳳城20062007-03-20 17:48:29
A few days ago,I just complained about the quality of the group project report done by one MBA student on my blog. Today when talking to him, I realized there is still a long way to go to improve my English writing and speaking. 1. Read newspapers and magzines to see how journalists write their stories and make their report appeal the general public. 2. Watch news. 3. Listen to the good speech. 4. Write more and read more. I have known this since I learned English, but it is so difficult for me to stick to my plan. All kinds of excuses keep coming up for my laziness. I guess if I cannot improve my English in an efficient way, then staying at U.S. and finding a faculty opening would be just a unrealized dream.