[單曲]《Dearly Beloved》 by Faith Hill
文章來源: 菡馨2007-01-07 00:56:10

《Dearly Beloved》 by Faith Hill



※※※ Dearly Beloved ※※※

Good mornin', Dearly Beloved
We are gathered here today
To watch two people we know make a big mistake
They'll stand up at the alter
And solemnly swear I Do
They'll be together forever
'Til they find somebody new

Her daddy's in the front row
Mutterin' oh no, here we go again
We had a couple dates
Now she's three months late
And it's twenty buck a plate i spent, oh...

Good mornin' dearly beloved
I'd like to welcome ya'll
To see the side-effects of * and alcohol
Please bow your heads and join me
In a prayer for these two
Who'll be together forever
'Til they find somebody new
The bride is a flirt and the groom is worse
As he's putting the ring on her
He's checkin' out the bridesmaids
Thinkin' that he might take
The maid of honor's honor...oh
Welcome, dearly beloved
We are here this afternoon
To throw rice as these two
Drive down the road to ruin
With cans tied to the bumper
And a dragging muffler, too
They'll be together forever
'Til they find somebody new
So raise your glass and join me
Here's to the bride and groom
They'll be together foreeeverrr...
'Til they find somebody new

專輯歌手:菲絲-希爾(Faith Hill)


最受歡迎的美國鄉村音樂女歌星Faith Hill時隔三年之後推出的新專輯,雖然早已在家相夫教子,已經遠離歌迷三年,但是Faith Hill的號召力卻絲毫未減,這張專輯推出首周便在美國本土售出了32萬9千張,成為了Faith Hill音樂生涯中的第三張Billboard 200排行榜冠軍專輯,再次印證了鄉村天後強大的號召力。

Faith Hill在這張專輯中再度與長期合作的製作人Byron Gallimore搭檔,Byron Gallimore作為製作人在這張專輯的錄製中不僅為Faith Hill量身打造了許多非常優秀的單曲,而且還親自擔任了專輯中單曲的風琴,鍵盤,電吉他等樂器的伴奏,可謂勞苦功高。Faith Hill的同樣身為鄉村音樂超級明星的Tim McGraw自然也不會缺席,不過他更多的隻是在某些歌曲中充當背景和聲,也顯示了夫妻間配合的默契。

這是一張Faith Hill回歸自我的專輯,首支主打歌《Mississippi Girl》從其歌名就可以感受到這一點,但這也並非是一張守成專輯,Faith Hill還是不時的在自己的音樂中揉雜一些新嚐試,比如有些節奏性的元素穿插體現在編曲中。而且歌曲的內容上也照顧了目前流行音樂人最為關注的方麵,比如,關於戰爭與美國的《We’ve Got Nothing But Love To Prove》,在“情比金堅”式的歌名之後是關於兒童的關懷,反戰的詞句,以及對美國的理想,甚至作者在對歌詞的創作中還明顯的受到約翰·列儂經典《Imagine》的影響——“I KNOW THAT I, I’M JUST A DREAMER”。但是這些東西並沒有衝淡專輯的鄉村特色,專輯中最優秀的單曲之一的《Dearly Beloved》就帶有濃濃的鄉村情調