week 13 a fetus(written 4 days ago)
文章來源: Chynna2007-01-16 00:01:04
懷孕的第13周是懷孕第二周期的第一個星期.今天就要結束了. 沒風沒浪,連覺也睡的少了. 體重136 和137磅之間浮動. 小肚子鼓起了一點. 老公發誓說他聽到了寶寶的動靜.

我覺得懷孕出人意料的令人滿意. 當然主要原因是我身體反映不大. 加上公司內部調整, 終於可以從此以後都在家裏上班. 除了周5需要去開例會之外,其他的時間真的自由到想哭. 看到很多論壇上準媽媽門為了工作了而煩惱, 真的覺得自己對不起天下. 剛懷孕就可以不用去上班. 每天想睡就睡, 想吃就吃. 開始過上了豬一樣的生活. 老公還在上個星期給我買了一台新電腦. 跑起來飛快的電腦讓工作特別有效率.

老公的表現也值得表彰. 除了每天督促我吃醫生開的維他命和鈣片, 還會在晚上上床後和早上起床前主動加長我的huggie時間. 做到了一個革命時期的好丈夫應該做到的-- 把我當菩薩一樣供著. 現在習慣每天下午1點在門口跟他揮手告別, 他也會在車裏跟我揮手一直到彼此看不到. 每天晚上10點半準時給他開門然後一起吃零食看電視,直到我先在沙發上睡過去. 他把我拉起來去刷牙. 然後一起睡去. 生活極其有規律.

不過因為我天天在家裏, 水電暖氣帳單也自然而然的瘋狂了起來. 繼上個月的100塊的暖氣費之後, 今天又收到了讓老公大呼的140塊的帳單. 沒辦法了. 我懷孕了需要保暖!!

最近還經常可以打著懷孕的幌子大吃大喝. i am eating for two~` it's for the baby!! 總之, 書上說現在寶寶應該隻有幾昂司. 不到一磅. 而我體重已經長了10鎊. 這些有目共睹的事實我就不說了. 是時候注意一下了. 到時候寶寶超級大生不下來我就要為我的貪吃挨上一刀了.

我不喜歡用中文寫懷孕感想. 寫英文感覺更眉飛色舞一些. 現在把我給一個想懷孕的朋友寫的吹噓懷孕的信在這裏備份一下. 寫的還是心情很飄逸滴!

recently i bought a lot of pregnancy books and read a lot of pregnancy stories... I just realized how lucky i am during my first trimester. No vomiting, no cramping, no extreme mood change...No wonder all the women in my family wanted more kids... my grandma had 10 kids! if i do not have that additional 2.3 hours added to my sleeping schedule everyday, I may not even know i am still pregnant. My husband was really appreciative coz all his brothers suffered from their wives' pregnancy. His second brother (2 years younger than him) said they are done after just one child. His wife threw up like 10 times a day and lost 10 pounds in her first 3 months. She was really small already to start with.

Anyway, pregnancy really give me a new perspective about life. i look at everything differently now.. it's a weird feeling... But i love it. i am at week 13 and i am officially having a fetus in my tummy. Not an embryo any more. yeah~~ i started having this little bump right under my belly button and Jared sweared he can hear the baby~ hah hah...We talk to it everyday now. The book says week 13 to 16 the baby could start to hear the world...

The relationship between Jared and I grow stronger too. I read so many stories that pregnancy cut the couple's romance short. But i dont see that happening to us. Anyway, pregnancy really had turned out greater than i expected. i am loving it!

Get pregnant soon Celine! If you could get pregnant before April, you would be giving birth to a little golden piggy baby according to Chinese zodiac. A golden piggie baby is supposed to bring the parents great fortunes. And the golden piggy year wont happen again until 60 years later. so hurry up~~ (jared said i am silly to believe the superstition but I am asian and that's what we do~ lol)
